ID-Nummer des Angebots: 15480
Ziel Zahlung Bearbeitung Post-Klick Akzeptierungsrate
6.92 EUR for a Completed Survey
Währung: EUR
ID-Nummer des Ziels: 22478 (Aktiv)
6.92 € höchstens 120 days
30 days Keine Daten


Kanada, Deutschland, Norwegen, USA


Ipsos iSay is an online research community where members can influence the future of brands, governments, and societies and get rewarded. Our members can discover their influence in research articles, news stories, new products, ads or TV shows.

Co-Registration, Registrations, E-mail Validation – 0.00 EUR

Completed Survey – 6.92 EUR

Text1 contains be - 6.92 EUR

Text1 contains ca - 6.92 EUR

Text1 is de-de - 6.92 EUR

Text1 is nl-nl - 6.92 EUR

Text1 is no-nb - 6.92 EUR

Text1 is us-en - 6.92 EUR

All Other - 0

No payout for any female participants who are aged 55 and over.

  • 120Tage
    processing time
  • 6.8 mln
    users monthly
  • 100€
    Average purchase size
  • 1.1%
  • Statistical purposes
  • Online survey rewards community
  • Opt out at any time
Top countries

Landings (1):

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Incent traffic and cashback are prohibited.

Use of such phrases as "make money off of completing surveys online" or "remote job" is prohibited.

General population, 16+ or 25+ (depending on the country)

Beschränkungen für das Angebot:

  • Anzahl der Aktionen angenommen + Bearbeitung im monat bis 700 (total by offer)

Nachrichten des Angebots:

  • 13/12/2024 um 11:37 Some GEO suspended for I-SAY!

    Attention! Stop the traffic for Netherlands and Belgium asap.

  • 10/11/2023 um 11:13 I-SAY_US_CA_DE_NL_NO_BE: payout structure updates!

    I-SAY_US_CA_DE_NL_NO_BE now is payinf for Completed Survey – 6.92 EUR!

    The rate is increased!

    Join and Earn!

  • 15/08/2023 um 11:27 Payout terms update on I-SAY_US_CA_DE_NL_NO_BE

    I-SAY_US_CA_DE_NL_NO_BE has announced an update on payout.

    There will be no payout for any female participants who are aged 55 and over starting from August 16th.

  • 24/04/2023 um 11:15 New rate in offer I-SAY_US_CA_DE_NL_NO_BE

    The rate in I-SAY_US_CA_DE_NL_NO_BE has been changed.

    New rate is 2.69-3.46 EUR.

  • 21/04/2023 um 17:42 New Offer – I-SAY_US_CA_DE_NL_NO_BE is live!

    I-Say_US_CA_DE_NL_NO_BE has been launched!

    Ipsos iSay is an online research community where members can influence the future of brands, governments, and societies and get rewarded. Our members can discover their influence in research articles, news stories, new products, ads or TV shows.

    Geo: US, CA, DE, NL, NO, BE

    CPA: 0.23-3.08 EUR for a phone confirmation or SMS

    To start working on this offer, please provide the details about your traffic sources (including links).

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