Offer Id: 15706
Aim Payment Processing PostClick Accept rate
Online sale
Online sale and preorder: 0.77-5 %
Currency: USD
Aim id: 22785 (Active)
0.77-5 % maximum 170 days
30 days 100%

Geo targeting:

France, Germany


We specialise in providing you with the best digital codes for the hottest games. There’s no need to pay full price or wait for a game again. We combine the lowest prices with rapid digital delivery.


Preferable media: content sites, cashback sites, price comparison sites & influencers.

Payout Groups

Online sale and preorder: 0.77 - 5 %
1) Item Category is Top-Up
Customer Country/Region contains FR,DE - 1.54 % of order sale amount
2) Customer Status is existing
Customer Country/Region contains FR - 2 % of order sale amount
3) Customer Status is new
Customer Country/Region contains FR - 5 % of order sale amount
4) All other - 0.77 % of order sale amount

Payout Restrictions
Item SKU is D/CDKGC,D/CDK1317951879,D/PLSPL1Y_CANADA - no payout

Limits: 1 actions per click - N/A

  • 170days
    processing time
  • 8,3M
    users monthly
  • 60$
    Average purchase size
  • 1,2%
  • Join us!
  • Рay less, play more
  • 30 day cookie period
Top countries

Landings (1):

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Additional conditions:


Forbidden practices:

2.3.1 Making PPC campaigns including but not limited to Google, Yahoo, Bing, Facebook Ads, Retargeting campaigns which bid on CDKeys'

trademarks, trade name, or domain name, or any misspellings and/or variances thereof

2.3.2 Using illegal, malicious or unethical practices to advertise Pop-ups, misleading users, iframes etc.

2.3.3 Using the affiliate program simultaneously with other affiliate or loyalty programs that include rewards.

2.3.4 Making purchases using your own links. We’re strict on this, so any breaches will result in a permanent ban.

2.3.5 Using several affiliate accounts.

2.3.6 Sharing fake promotions, fake coupons or any other method of manipulation to gain clicks. Affiliates should only share coupons which have been

provided by the Team.
2.3.7 Engaging in any activity detrimental to the good name or reputation of or which may have a negative impact on, or the

products sold through CDKeys website.

2.3.8 Any attempt to illegally obtain commission, particularly by impersonating a third party, whether existing or fictitious, in order to

receive commission through the Affiliate Program.

2.3.9 You may not impersonate the CDKeys brand in a manner that is intended to or does mislead, confuse, or deceive others and abuse it's copyright and trademark.

Offer news:

  • 02/01/2024, 19:52 CDKEYS_FR_DE: new commission structure

    New commission structure: 0.77-5 %

  • 10/11/2023, 10:32 CDKeys_FR_DE - commission increase!

    The new rate is 0.77-6.54 % % !

  • 02/11/2023, 12:46 CDKEYS_FR_DE: high commission rate for new item!

    CDKEYS added a new SKU with higher commission rate - 7.7 %

  • 05/09/2023, 16:05 CDKeys_FR_DE is live again!

    CDKeys_FR_DE is live again!

    Join and earn!

  • 30/08/2023, 16:22 CDKEYS_FR_DE SUSPENDED

    The offerCDKEYS_FR_DE has been suspedned due to the advertiser's request.
    Please stop the traffic ASAP.

  • 08/08/2023, 15:28 ATTENTION! CDKEYS_FR_DE IS LIVE!

    New offer CDKEYS_FR_DE has been launched!

    GEO - FR_DE

    CPS - 1.54 % - 3.85 %

    The offer is available on Basic tariff by Individual request.


All news