Sittercity US
Id de la oferta: 14082
Objetivo Pago Procesando PostClick Porcentaje de aceptación
$23 for premium membership purchase, $0.7 for sitter registration completion
Moneda: USD
Id del objetivo: 20806 (Activa)
0.7-23 $ Máximo 55 days
45 days Sin datos

Geo localización:

Estados Unidos


We're committed to helping parents find more than child care. We help families find the best sitters and nannies who will challenge, nurture and enrich kids when mom and dad can't be there.

If you have a family-friendly site or social media following, we encourage you to apply.

Earn High Commissions!

You can earn commission in the following ways through the Sittercity Affiliate Program:

When a new family pays for a membership
When a new sitter completes registration

  • 55días
  • 650K
    Usuarios al mes
  • 0.7-23$
    Cesta media
  • 1.2%
  • Become a Sittercity Partner
  • Earn High Commissions!
  • Professionally Designed Creative

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Condiciones adicionales:

Additional Promotional Methods Incentivized Traffic
Publishers offer visitors compensations (cashback, membership points, miles, access to content or software) for purchase or advertiser offer completion. Running incentivized campaigns under this program agreement is not allowed. This includes any campaign where the user receives an incentive, reward, cashback, or virtual currency in return for purchasing a membership through Sittercity.
Publishers use email marketing to drive links to Sittercity's website. Allowed - You may use the Sittercity logo and promotional copy when sending an e-mail campaign to users that have opted in to your mailing list only. You may not promote Sittercity by use of a tracking link in any other mailing list other than one owned by you and must not imply that any e-mail campaign is being sent by or sponsored by Sittercity without prior written consent from Sittercity. You may not distribute advertising materials using distribution methods that are illegal or prohibited under the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (Public Law No. 108-187).
Publishers are not allowed to use or develop a browser extension for consumers that displays alerts via toolbar or popups, and may (depending on the distribution model) provide a link for the consumer to click, or redirects the browser through affiliate links when visiting a site where affiliate offers are available.
Publishers operate a network of independent websites owned by third parties that operate collectively as an individual publisher. Allowed - Publishers that use sub-affiliates to drive traffic to Sittercity must provide full transparency in regards to which of their sub-affiliates is sending traffic and where the traffic is coming from. Sub-networks must also ensure that all sub-affiliates abide by Sittercity's program terms and provide brand-safe advertising methods. Coupon and any incentive marketing type publishers are not allowed as sub-affiliates without review and written approval.
Social Media
Allowed - You may promote Sittercity on your personal page or a business page/group that you manage by way of tracking link via social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. so long as the content complies with Sittercity's program terms. You may not promote Sittercity on any other social media website, or forum, that is not owned or managed by you. Paid campaigns through social media that promote Sittercity are not allowed.
Coupons and Promotional Codes
Publishers may only use coupons and promotional codes that are provided exclusively through the affiliate program.
Non-Commissionable Items
Products or services that will not qualify for publisher commissions (gift cards, gift wrapping) You will receive a commission for any new paying parent membership. Commissions are NOT paid on parent free trial sign-ups, pre-existing parent memberships or any sitter/caregiver registration.
Paid Search Terms
Protected SEM Bidding Keywords
Without prior written authorization, publishers MAY NOT participate in any type of paid search marketing campaigns that include Sittercity's trademarked terms. Sittercity trademarked terms include: sittercity,, sitter city, sitter, babysittercity, city sitter, citysitter,, sister city, sistercity,, sitcity, siter city, sitercity, sitter cities, sitter cty, sittercities,, sittercty, sittter city, sitttercity and any other variation or misspelling of the Sittercity brand.
Negative Matching for Protected Keywords
Negative matching for protected keywords is required.
Non-compete SEM Bidding Keywords
Keyword bid may not exceed the maximum dollar bid of Sittercity's bid for the following keywords: babysitters, baby sitters, nanny, nannies, sitter, sitters, babysitter, baby sitter, pet sitter, pet sitting, pet sitters, child care, childcare, need babysitter, need babysitters, need baby sitter, need baby sitters, babysitting, babysitting jobs, baby sitting, babysitter wanted, babysitters wanted, baby sitter wanted, nannies, nanny, nanny wanted, sitter wanted, baby sitter in, baby-sitter, baby-sitters, babysitter needed, babysitting service, care for child, child care center, child, care centers, child care centers in, child care in, child care rates, child care service, child day care, child daycare, child transportation, child-care, child-care center, child- care centers, child-care centers in, child-care in, child-care rates, childcare, find a babysitter, find a nanny, find child care, find child-care, find childcare, nanny agency, babysitter agency, nanny service, nanny in (city), babysitter in (city).
Recommended SEM Bidding Keywords
babysitters, baby sitters, nanny, nannies, sitter, sitters, babysitter, baby sitter, pet sitter, pet sitting, pet sitters, child care, childcare, need babysitter, need babysitters, need baby sitter, need baby sitters, babysitting, babysitting jobs, baby sitting, babysitter wanted, babysitters wanted, baby sitter wanted, nannies, nanny, nanny wanted, sitter wanted, baby sitter in, baby- sitter, baby-sitters, babysitter needed, babysitting service, care for child, child care center, child, care centers, child care centers in, child care in, child care rates, child care service, child day care, child daycare, child transportation, child-care, child-care center, child-care centers, child- care centers in, child-care in, child-care rates, childcare, find a babysitter, find a nanny, find child care, find child-care, find childcare, nanny agency, babysitter agency, nanny service, nanny in (city), babysitter in (city).
Prohibited SEM Display URL Content
Publishers may not use Sittercity's trademarked terms, including any variations, misspellings, or in conjunction with another keyword as part of the display URL in a paid marketing campaign.
Prohibited SEM Ad Copy Content
Publishers may not use Sittercity's trademarked terms, including any variations, misspellings, or in conjunction with another keyword as part of the ad copy or title in any paid marketing campaign. Direct linking (Use of Display URL) No