Ajánlat ID-ja: 13089
Cél Kifizetés Feldolgozás Post-click Elfogadás százaléka
Appointment Booked. To book an appointment enter zip code. If outside of the area where repairs are performed enter e-mail adress, verify account and call to shedule service. There is free cancellation within 24 hours.
Valuta: USD
ID célok: 19524 (Aktív)
6.15 $ maximum 85 days
30 days Nincs adat




RepairSmith provides the world’s most convenient car repair and maintenance. Car owners can choose to get their repair delivered to their driveway or drop it off at our shop. 

Note! Incentivized traffic is strictly not allowed (rebates, cashback, rewards of any kind). 

Сoupons and promotional codes that are provided exclusively through the affiliate program.

SM posts referring to deals, promos, coupons or discounted prices are never permitted.

  • 55nap
    feldolgozás időszaka
  • 35.2 k
    felhasználó havonta
  • 160$
    egy előfizetőre jutó átlagos árbevétel
  • 3%
  • The world’s most convenient car repair and maintenance
  • Repair your car at the shop or in your drive way
  • The certified shops are 4+ star

Landing oldalak (1):

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Az ajánlat hírei:

  • 24/06/2020-n 12:49kor ATTENTION! REPAIRSMITH IS STOPPED

    We inform you that due to the advertiser`s request the RepairSmith campaign has just been suspended. 

    Please remove all your links as all the following actions won`t be paid. 

  • 19/11/2019-n 13:23kor Attention! New offer RepairSmith_US!

    New offer RepairSmith_US is live! 

    Join and earn! 

Az összes hír