ID offerta: 16260
Target Pagamento Elaborazione PostClick Accept rate
Online Sale - 3.8% Online Consultation - 3.7%
Valuta: GBP
ID target: 23461 (Attivo)
3.7-3.8 % massimo 100 days
30 days 89.09%

Geo targeting:

Gran Bretagna


Pharmacy2U Shop (formerly Chemist Direct) is an online pharmacy providing a huge range of over-the-counter medications, health and beauty products for the whole family at affordable prices.
Pharmacy2U provide an Online Doctor Service which provides an innovative way of delivering exceptional healthcare within the UK.

  • 100giorni
    Tempo di elaborazione
  • 1.3M
    Utenti al mese
  • 50£
    Conto medio
  • 1.2%
  • the UK's largest Pharmacy
  • More accessible healthcare
  • Trusted NHS partner since 1999

Landing (2):

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News dell'offer:

  • {data} , {ora} Attention! New Offer Pharmacy2U_UK is LIVE!

    The new offer Pharmacy2U_UK has been launched.
    Online Sale - 3.8%
    Online Consultation - 5.7%
    GEO - UK
    Work with 
    an online pharmacy and doctor service providing a huge range of over-the-counter medications, health and beauty products and exceptional healthcare within the UK.