
ID-Nummer des Angebots: 16571
Ziel Zahlung Bearbeitung Post-Klick Akzeptierungsrate
Fashion 7.7% Electronics 1.5% Beachwear 3% FMCG 1.5% Living 7.7% Garden 4.6% Accessories 7.7% Sport 7.7% Baby 4.6% Toys 3% Beauty 4.6%
Währung: EUR
ID-Nummer des Ziels: 23868 (Aktiv)
1.5-7.7 % höchstens 100 days
7 days Keine Daten




Fashion for women, men and children. Furniture and home accessories. Always the best deals. Fast delivery and easy return.
Fashion 7.7%
Electronics 1.5%
Beachwear 3%
FMCG 1.5%
Living 7.7%
Garden 4.6%
Accessories 7.7%
Sport 7.7%
Baby 4.6%
Toys 3%
Beauty 4.6%

  • 100Tage
    processing time
  • 4.3 M
    users monthly
  • 60$
    Average purchase size
  • 1.2%
  • For women, men and children
  • Always the best deals
  • Fast delivery and easy return
Top countries

Landings (1):

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Beschränkungen für das Angebot:

  • Ausgabenbetrag für das Angebot am tag Nach Ziel "CPS" bis 700 EUR (total by offer)

Nachrichten des Angebots:

  • 18/12/2024 um 11:06 Wehkamp_NL SUSPENDED

    The offer Wehkamp_NL has been suspended.
    Please stop the traffic ASAP.

  • 12/12/2024 um 14:49 Limit for Wehkamp_NL has been launched. Decrease the traffic!

    The adevrtiser has set the earning limit up to 600-700 EUR per day. DO NOT EXCEED it as the acions over the limit are not commissionable. 

  • 07/06/2024 um 10:58 Wehkamp_NL IS LIVE!

    New offer Wehkamp_NL has been launched
    GEO - NL
    CPS - 1.5-7.7%
    Work with a fashion brand for women, men and children.
    Joina and earn! 

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