Online sale
ID-Nummer des Ziels: 24351 (Aktiv) |
1.54 % | höchstens |
15 days | Keine Daten |
Kanada, Puerto Rico, USA
For 30+ years, KaTom, a woman-owned entity, provides top-quality products for restaurants & homes. From a garage in 1987, it's grown into a leading supplier with fast shipping & legendary service
Landings (1):
Protected SEM Bidding Keywords: TRADEMARK TERMS (including katom, katom.com, www.katom.com, and any misspellings, variations and combinations of these and similar terms). Affiliate will not bid on the KaTom brand name, variations of the brand name, search terms or phrases containing the brand name, any common misspellings or confusingly similar names on any pay-for-placement search engines and their content networks, including but not limited to Google, Yahoo, Bing, and Ask. Affiliate will not bid on KaTom brand terms combined with any other terms, including, but not limited to, “coupons”, “offers”, or “discounts".
Prohibited SEM Display URL Content: TRADEMARK TERMS (including katom, katom.com, www.katom.com, and any misspellings, variations and combinations of these and similar terms). Also, you may not use specific prices ($ amounts) in your display URL.
Prohibited SEM Ad Copy Content: TRADEMARK TERMS (including katom, katom.com, www.katom.com, and any misspellings, variations and combinations of these and similar terms). Also, you may not use specific prices ($ amounts) in your ad copy.
Prohibited Web Site Domain Keywords: Your URL cannot contain KaTom or any variation, combination or misspelling of the KaTom brand name. Your URL cannot contain any term that reflects negatively on KaTom .
Use of Logos and Trademarks in Web sites: You cannot take images, logos or text from katom.com. All photography, creative and content on katom.com is protected by copyright. You cannot design your own affiliate creative. You must use the creative provided in the affiliate creative library. You cannot edit (resize, color, stretch, crop, etc.) any KaTom creative elements. You cannot claim to be a partner of KaTom. If a reference needs to be made, refer to yourself as an “affiliate” or “publisher”. You cannot use terms like "us", "we", "our" when referring to KaTom.
Nachrichten des Angebots:
05/11/2024 um 20:26
New campaign KaTom_CA_PR_US has been launched.
CPS - 1.54%
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