Skylum_Macphun WW
ID-Nummer des Angebots: 9987
Ziel Zahlung Bearbeitung Post-Klick Akzeptierungsrate
CPS: Luminar for iPad (1 month subscription) — 61.54% (percent on sales) Luminar for iPad (6 months subscription) — 19.23% (percent on sales) Luminar for iPad (1 year subscription) — 15.38% (percent on sales) Luminar for iPad (start trial) — 0.00% (percent on sales) Luminar NEO (monthly subscription) — 65.38% (percent on sales) Luminar Basic Sale — $2.31 CPL: Luminar — $0.00 Luminar NEO — $0.58
Währung: USD
ID-Nummer des Ziels: 14645 (Aktiv)
0.58-65.38% % höchstens 90 days
150 days Keine Daten


Alle Länder außer: Russland


Macphun - inspiring photography. You capture the moment and our photo software helps you unveil its real beauty & character. With devoted users around the world Macphun literally helps millions of photos become more eye-catchy daily.

Macphun photography software is made for Mac only. We believe this focus ensures we deliver the best user experience possible to our customers.

Attention! The advertiser aims at 1:3 ROI and will disconnect any publisher providing only leads and no sales.

  • 90Tage
    processing time
  • 800 000
    users monthly
  • 150$
    Average purchase size
  • 1,6%
  • Mobile Optimized
  • Segment Leader
  • Best Service
Top countries

Landings (1):

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Nachrichten des Angebots:

  • 19/03/2024 um 17:59 SKYLUM_MACPHUN WW IS LAUNCHED!

    SKYLUM_MACPHUN WW is launched!

    GEO: WW

    CPS: Luminar for iPad (1 month subscription) — 61.54% (percent on sales)
    Luminar for iPad (6 months subscription) — 19.23% (percent on sales)
    Luminar for iPad (1 year subscription) — 15.38% (percent on sales)
    Luminar for iPad (start trial) — 0.00% (percent on sales) Luminar NEO (monthly subscription) — 65.38% (percent on sales)
    Luminar Basic Sale — $2.31
    CPL: Luminar — $0.00
    Luminar NEO — $0.58
    The offer is available on Basic tariff by individual request

  • 20/04/2022 um 00:48 Attention! Skylum_Macphun WW Suspended!

    The program has been suspended by the advertiser's request due to the company's internal policy. Please, stop all the traffic ASAP.

    We will let you know once the campaign goes live again.

  • 25/03/2019 um 10:59 Attention! Payout change at Skylum_Macphun WW


  • 27/06/2018 um 17:30 Attention! new banners

    New banners were added to Skylum_Macphun WW.

    Please use them when promoting the offer!

  • 05/03/2018 um 12:41 Attention! Rebranding at Macphun

    The name of the campaign has changed: MACPHUN IS NOW SKYLUM

  • 25/07/2017 um 17:58 New promotion in Macphun WW offer!

    New promotion active till July 27th is added, please use it in your work.

  • 21/06/2017 um 16:14 Attention! Macphun WW offer is launched!

    Publisher`s commission is up to 16% for CPS.

    Geo: worldwide

    Join and earn!

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