FTD (RevShare)
The reward depends on a player's loss:
1-8,000$ - 19%
8,001-40,000 - 23%
40,001-60,000 - 27%
60,001-100,000 - 30%
100,000-and more - 35%
Id del objetivo: 14973 (Activa) |
19-35 % | Máximo |
30 days | 100% |
validation (reports | for internal purposes)
Id del objetivo: 20015 (Activa) |
76.92 % ($) | Máximo |
30 days | 100% |
Geo localización:
Armenia, Azerbaiyán, Belarús, Bélgica, Bosnia y Herzegovina, Brasil, Bulgaria, Croacia, Chipre, República Checa, Dinamarca, Estonia, Finlandia, Grecia, Hungría, Irlanda, Kazajistán, Kirguistán, Letonia, Lituania, Luxemburgo, Moldavia, Mónaco, Montenegro, Países Bajos, Polonia, Rumania, Serbia, Eslovenia, Suecia, Suiza, Tayikistán, Ucrania, Uzbekistán
1xBet is a european betting company which has been working since 2007.
- 2 160 payment systems
- 47 languages on the website
- 12 000+ partners all over the world
- High coefficients
- 24/7 Technical support
- Regular promotions and bonuses
- 1 000 000+ bets daily
The reward depends on a player's loss:
1-8,000$ - 19%
8,001-40,000 - 23%
40,001-60,000 - 27%
60,001-100,000 - 30%
100,000-and more - 35%
8,001-40,000 - 23%
40,001-60,000 - 27%
60,001-100,000 - 30%
100,000-and more - 35%
Please, request for the landing page of the country where the traffic will be sent!
Landings (5):
Noticias de oferta:
14/01/2019, 11:47
Attention! Landing page for Russia in 1XBET offer was changed.
Attention! Landing page for Russia in 1XBET offer was changed.
Please, use new landing page to work in Russia