Omio_WW (former GoEuro)
Id de la oferta: 11289
Objetivo Pago Procesando PostClick Porcentaje de aceptación
Online Sale - 1.5-6% See the description Default New Customer- 3.8% Default Existing Customer - 1.5% All other - 3%
Moneda: EUR
Id del objetivo: 16797 (Activa)
1.5-6 % Máximo 60 days
30 days 98.84%

Geo localización:

All countries, except: República Checa, Polonia, Rusia


Omio (GoEuro) is a travel platform with a difference. Fueled by a team from over 40 different countries, one search allows you to find the fastest, cheapest and best travel options by train, bus and flight to any city, town or village in Europe.

Find all the ideal options for your schedule and budget in one place!

  • The traffic can be driven to the GoEuro website from various domains in accordance with the targeted country. 

We offer:

  • Best Price: real time comparison
  • Easy booking: direct access to over 450 train, bus and flight partners
  • Customer satisfaction: more than 30 million users from over 120 countries
  • Fair commission*
  • Unlimited deals
  • Weekly newsletter and daily updates

*Omio (GoEuro) affiliate program offers you to work for clicks and for sales! We must warn you, that the rates are different.

**Confirmed sale rate = click-out

Paid order = sale

**Click-out: A user lands on Omio (GoEuro) page, desktop or mobile, selects the city of origin and the destination city, travel date, no. of travelers and clicks on "Search" button. Results: page opens, the user chooses the desired provider, clicks on "Select" and then "Book". Clicking on "Book" counts as the click-out.

Please, note the allowed types of traffic: teaser-banner networks, YouTube 

New Customer 6% - US, Canada, Brazil, Australia, Agentina, Ukraine, Turkey, Switserland, Korea, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Peru, Mexico, Japan, Israel, Colombia, China, Chile, 
New Customer- 4.6% - India, Portugal, Poland, Norway, Hungary, Finland, Czecj Republic, China, Austria, Belguim, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, spain, UK, Sweden, Denmark, 
New Customer- 3% - Russia, France, Hong Kong.
Exsiting Customer- 1.5% - France, Hong Kong, US,
Existing Customer - 2.3% - Belgium, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, UK, Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Czech Republic, Finland, Hungary, Norway, Poland, Portugal, India, 
Existing Customer- 3% - Chile, China, Colombia, Israel, Japan, Mexico, Peru, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Korea, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Russia
Default New Customer- 3.8%
Default Existing Customer - 1.5%
All other - 3%

  • 60días
  • 6.6 mln
    Usuarios al mes
  • 250€
    Cesta media
  • 1,2%
  • Top in the travel segment in Europe
  • Popular worldwide
  • Frequent payments

Landings (4):

Mostrar todo

Noticias de oferta:

  • 16/01/2023, 14:05 Omio_WW Traffic Quality

    The adevrtiser has noticed an increase in PPC violation, so please be extremely attentive concerning your traffic.
    As in case of violation the advertiser withdraws all the earnings from the source responsible.

  • 29/08/2022, 14:56 Delays in displaying the statistics


    At the moment, we have delays in displaying the statistics due to technical problems.

    Everything will be fixed, and the statistics will be fully loaded in the nearest future.

  • 20/03/2019, 12:18 Attention! Payout increase at Omio_WW

    Publisher's payout at Omio_WW is 3,85%

  • 26/02/2019, 12:48 Attention! Re-branding

    GoEuro have updted their brand. 

    The new domain is

    New banners were uploaded. Kindly use them. 

  • 27/11/2018, 14:53 Attention! New landing pages

    Landing pages US, DE, FR with a Christmas offer Trenitalia Special - 2 for 1 Tickets 

    were added. 

  • 26/02/2018, 16:18 Attention! GoEuro program is stopped.

    Please forward your traffic to GoEuro_WW. 

  • 14/02/2018, 17:55 Attention! Changes in GOEURO program!

    Starting from 2018-02-14 the program accepts traffic only from Russia, Poland and Czech Republic. Please forward your traffic from other GEOs to GoEuro WW program.

  • 14/02/2018, 11:31 Attention! GoEuro is lauched

    Aim: CPS

    Publisher's reward: 1,6% for sale and 0,56 EUR for click-out

    Gео: WW, except Russia, Czech Republic, Poland

Todas las noticias