Old Navy, Banana Repubic, Athleta US, CA

Id de la oferta: 13514
Objetivo Pago Procesando PostClick Porcentaje de aceptación
Paid order
0.7% off products on sale, 1.5% off full price purchases
Moneda: USD
Id del objetivo: 20072 (Activa)
0.7-1.5 % Máximo 80 days
1 day 96%

Geo localización:

Bélgica, Canadá, República Checa, Finlandia, Francia, Alemania, Irlanda, Italia, Lituania, Países Bajos, Portugal, España, Suecia, Reino Unido, Estados Unidos, Ucrania


We’re a family of brands united by the belief that real people can — and should — drive real change. Made stronger by our global team’s unique personalities, passions and pride, we set out every day to make the world a bit bolder and a bit brighter and create products our customers love.

Five brands in one campaign:


Old Navy

Banana Republic
*BR loyalty program purchases  are not commissionable

Hill CIty


  • 90días
  • 50 mln
    Usuarios al mes
  • 50$
    Cesta media
  • 1.2%

Landings (9):

Mostrar todo

Condiciones adicionales:

Protected SEM Bidding Keywords
Gap reserves exclusive rights as to the advertising of our trademarked company name within all
pay-for-placement and all other search engines. These names include: Gap, gap.com, Old Navy,
oldnavy.com, oldnavy.gap.com, Banana Republic, bananarepublic.com,
bananarepublic.gap.com, Athleta, athleta.com, athleta.gap.com, Gap Factory, gapfactory.com,
Banana Republic Factory, bananarepublicfactory.com, bananarepublicfactory.gapfactory.com,
Gap Canada, gapcanada.ca, Old Navy Canada, oldnavy.ca, oldnavy.gapcanada.ca, Banana
Republic Canada, bananarepublic.ca, bananarepublic.gapcanada.ca, Athleta Canada, athleta.ca,
athleta.gapcanada.ca, Yeezy Gap, yeezygap.com and any variation/misspelling of our
trademarked names.
Prohibited SEM Display URL Content
Use of the brand terms, misspellings and / or derivatives is not allowed in the display URL of any
Search campaigns.
Prohibited SEM Ad Copy Content
Use of the brand terms, misspellings and / or derivatives is not allowed in the ad copy of any
Search campaigns.
Direct linking (Use of Display URL)
Special Instructions for Search Marketing Publishers
• You may not claim to be Gap, Old Navy, Banana Republic, or Athleta, Gap Factory, Banana
Republic Factory, Gap Canada, Old Navy Canada, Banana Republic Canada, Athleta Canada or
Yeezy Gap in any pay-for-placement or other search engines.
• Brand terms, misspellings and / or derivatives of brand terms must be set to negative match in
keyword bids for all Search campaigns (exact and broad match on the brand terms are not allowed on
trademarked terms such as “Gap”, nor on misspellings and / or derivatives of the brand terms).
• Cyber squatting through the misspelling or use of the brand terms, misspellings and /
or derivatives within URL strings and domain names is not allowed.
• Violations will be cause for affiliate's immediate termination and any unpaid commissions will be
unearned, disallowed and/or charged back.
Prohibited Web Site Domain Keywords
Gap, gap.com, Old Navy, oldnavy.com, oldnavy.gap.com, Banana Republic,
bananarepublic.com, bananarepublic.gap.com, , Athleta, athleta.com, athleta.gap.comGap
Factory, gapfactory.com, Banana Republic Factory, bananarepublicfactory.com, Gap Canada,
gapcanada.ca, Old Navy Canada, oldnavy.ca, oldnavy.gapcanada.ca, Banana Republic Canada,
bananarepublic.ca, bananarepublic.gapcanada.ca, Athleta Canada, athleta.ca,
athleta.gapcanada.ca, Yeezy Gap, yeezygap.com and any variation/misspelling of our
trademarked names.

Noticias de oferta:

  • 19/07/2023, 13:04 Attention! GAP US, CA, Factory suspended!

    The promotion of GAP (US, CA, Factory) in GAP (EU), Old Navy, Banana Repubic, Athleta US, CA has been temporarily closed by the advertiser's request till further notice. Please, stop all the traffic ASAP and redirect it to the other shops available in the offer 

    We'll let you know once the GAP promotion is open again.

  • 05/06/2023, 12:14 GAP US CPA increase!

    The offer GAP (EU), Old Navy, Banana Repubic, Athleta US, CA
    has increased the CPS
    Online sale - 0.7- 5.3%
    Join and earn!

  • 04/04/2022, 11:36 GAP EU is now live!

    Find a new landing to promote GAP in European countries!

  • 14/07/2020, 18:13 Offer GAP, Old Navy, Banana Repubic, Hill City, Athleta US, CA is now live!

    Find 5 brands inside one offer. Promote in the most interesting geos CA&US.

    Join and earn more!

Todas las noticias