Completed Signup - $4.80 USD
Id del objetivo: 21851 (Activa) |
4.80 $ | Máximo |
30 days | 100% |
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Borrowell helps free people from financial stress. With its free credit score and report monitoring, automated credit coaching tools and AI-driven financial product recommendations, Borrowell empowers people to improve their financial well-being.
Borrowell is proudly Canadian and was first to offer free credit scores in Canada.
Landings (1):
Condiciones adicionales:
a) Affiliates may not use any graphic, textual or other materials to promote Borrowell’s website, products or services other than the Promotional Materials, unless Borrowell agrees to such other materials in writing prior to their display.
b) Affiliates may only use the Promotional Materials for the purpose of promoting Borrowell’s website (and the products and services available thereon), and for linking to Borrowell’s website.
c) Affiliates will not alter, add to, subtract from, or otherwise modify the Promotional Materials as they are prepared by Borrowell. If you wish to alter or otherwise modify the Promotional Materials, you must obtain prior written consent from Borrowell for such alteration or modification.
d) The Promotional Materials (where applicable) will be used to link only to Borrowell’s website, to the specific page and address as specified by Borrowell.
e) Affiliates will not seek to increase the number of users you direct to Borrowell’s website using spam or other unsolicited communications, or using any form of spyware, parasite-ware, unauthorized adware or similar software, or using any other antisocial or deceptive means.
f) Affiliates will not seek to increase the number of Referral Events using any fraudulent or deceptive means (such as using any device, program, robot iframes, hidden frames, or cookie surfing techniques that set a tracking cookie without a user actually clicking on a referral link).
g) Affiliates will not bid against the following keywords: borrowell, borrowell canada, borrowell free credit score, borrowell credit score, borrowell loan, borrowell mortgage, borrowell credit, borrowell credit coach, borrowell mortgage coach, borrowell credit card, borrowell reviews, borrowell app; or any combination of key words including “borrowell”, on the following platforms; Google, Facebook and Bing.