Id de la oferta: 15033
Objetivo Pago Procesando PostClick Porcentaje de aceptación
Paid order
Sign Up $0 Trial Booking $0 Trial Success $0 Subscription $69
Moneda: USD
Id del objetivo: 21922 (Activa)
69 $ Máximo 40 days
30 days Sin datos

Geo localización:

Todos los países


NovaKid is an online English school for children aged 4-12 that provides lessons with native speakers using a syllabus that corresponds to the European high schools. It is trusted by parents in over 100 countries. Our mission is to give the young generation an opportunity to communicate and share their ideas globally to build a happier future together

Help your audience improve their childrens' English while earning real money. As an affiliate, you will earn for every trial lesson parents book for their child.

We're seeking partners with an active audience wanting English with native speakers for their kids.

Payout Details

  • Trial Lesson (for Poland only): $72.00 (when the client buys a Subscription (any of 8, 24, 48, 96 lessons);
  • Trial Success (for all other GEO): $0.00;
  • Sign up: $0.00;
  • Trial Booking: $0.00;
  • Subscription: $0.00.
  • 40días
  • 1M
    Usuarios al mes
  • 475$
    Cesta media
  • 2.8%
  • Novakid is a next-generation ESL online learning platform.
  • Novakid is a right place to start!
  • Novakid is the leading tech startups.

Landings (1):

Mostrar todo

Condiciones adicionales:

We may cancel your application if we determine that your website is unsuitable for our program, including if:
1) It promotes sexually explicit content
2) It promotes violence
3) Promotes illegal activities
4) Promotes discrimination based on race, religion, sex, nationality, disability, age, or sexual orientation
5) Includes Novakid or any variations of spellings in its name or domain name.
6) Includes any material which infringes on any copyright, trademark, or intellectual property
7) Your site is built in a manner that resembles Novakid or leads customers to believe you are Novakid or any other affiliate company.
8) Affiliates that use, among other keywords or exclusively, keywords such as “Novakid”, “", and/or any other variations or misspellings and do not direct the traffic from such campaigns to their own website before redirecting to Novakid will be considered trademark violators and will be banned from the Novakid Affiliate Program Novakid reserves the right, at any time, to review your placement and approve the use of your links and require that you change the use or placement in order to comply with the terms and guidelines provided to you.

Noticias de oferta:

  • 03/04/2023, 15:53 FYI! New promo from NOVAKID: ENGLISH LANGUAGE DAY OFFER

    We're happy to announce that NOVAKID has lunched new April campaign - English Language Day (period: all month of April) with 10% discount for all subscriptions. 

    Also check new banners for the event!

    The headline for this add: ENGLISH LANGUAGE DAY OFFER
    Ad copies: Join NOVAKID TODAY! Number 1 online English School for kids in Europe.
    - Online English school for kids 4-12 years old.
    - 1-to-1 lessons with native or non-native English teachers!
    - A unique program for better and faster results.
    - Game-based lessons and extra activities.
    - 40-minute learning sessions.
    Book your free trial lesson now!


    Please be informed that Novakid has changed commission terms as following:

    Sign Up $0
    Trial Booking $0
    Trial Success $0
    Subscription $69

    Which means that from now on they will pay a 0$ commission when a client finishes a Trial Lesson and 69$ commission when the client buys a Subscription (any of 8, 24, 48, 96 lessons). Sign up and trial booking are not rewarded.

  • 30/08/2022, 17:21 FYI ! New offer from the leading EdTech startup for kids – NovaKid.

    New program Novakid_WW has been launched.

    Payout: $48-72 USD

    GEO: worldwide

    The offer is available on Basic tariff by Individual request.

    Come and get it!

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