Home Equity Quiz_US

Id de la oferta: 15192
Objetivo Pago Procesando PostClick Porcentaje de aceptación
Valid Lead Event: $30.00
Moneda: USD
Id del objetivo: 22126 (Activa)
30 $ Máximo 55 days
30 days Sin datos

Geo localización:

Estados Unidos


Home Equity Quiz helps you find home purchase and mortgage refinancing loans from a variety of lenders. 

When you’re trying to refinance your mortgage on your current home to score a lower rate, everything about the process takes a long time — especially the loan shopping.

Home Equity Quiz’s goal is to cut that time down. It’s a marketplace site that matches homeowners and homebuyers to excellent refinance and loan opportunities at over 200 partners, and it does so fast with a smooth and straightforward application process. It doesn’t do much else, but it could be potentially be a starting point that will save you precious time.

FYI: Validation with the advertiser can take up to 3 months for technical reasons. 

Valid Lead Definition:

  1. The lead is exclusive and not sold elsewhere 
  2. The lead is a real time submission by the consumer completing the form online
  3. The lead is from a genuine applicant interested in this product / service 
  4. The lead is not deemed invalid by our call center Invalid reasons are : a) invalid phone number / disconnected phone b) invalid postcode c) invalid name (e.g Donald Duck) d) duplicate (this lead has been sent to us within the last 30 days) e) wrong telephone number. Phone is valid but person is different to that listed on the details submitted f) Never applied. Consumer states they never applied.
  5. The lead is not generated via a banned traffic source. 
  6. Consumer credit grade is not poor/bad. 
  7. Consumer Loan to Value (LTV) ratios are not over 90%. 

CPA Limits:

  • 1 actions per click - N/A
  • 50 actions per day
  • 55días
  • 101.0K
    Usuarios al mes
  • 500$
    Cesta media
  • 3.3%
  • Home Equity Quiz helps consumers find a new mortgage rate
  • Over 200 lending partners with a variety of home loan types
  • Fast, intuitive, detailed questionnaire

Landings (16):

Mostrar todo

Condiciones adicionales:

Traffic from the following types of sources are explicitly banned and may result in suspension from our platform:
1. Content/service locking website where the user has to fill a form to get access to content or services.
2. Unless prior permission granted in writing, any and all incentive sites where a user has to fill a form to receive an incentive of any kind including, but not limited to, cash or monetary rewards, loyalty points or gifts.
3. Malware or any form of intrusive software, including spyware, adware, toolbar and other malicious programs.
4. Co-registration or coreg, showing advertisement products to someone who is going through a registration form or a process.
5. We do not allow traffic from any sites that are of an adult or overtly sexual nature including, but not limited to; pornographic sites, adult video sites, “hook up” or adult dating sites and sites that promote adult­ orientated products or services.
6. No Illegal Content - Unless prior permission is granted in writing, the framing of our form(s) is strictly prohibited and will result in withholding all commissions pending investigation.
7. Unless explicitly informed in writing, all ad copy designed for placements on Native and Social Networks, must be approved by the Advertiser prior to launch. Furthermore, all ad-copy containing misleading language (for example, the word 'Rebate') is strictly forbidden and will result in withholding payments.

Email Terms:
Partners seeking to conduct email campaigns, must be in compliance with the CAN-SPAM Act. Advertiser recommends that each email partner follows the Email Delivery Best Practices for Marketers and List Owners, created by the Association for Interactive Marketing (AIM).

i. Approval to Conduct Email Marketing (In order to receive approval to conduct email campaigns on behalf of Advertiser the following conditions must apply):

1. Publisher must complete the Advertiser Email Vetting form

2. All email addresses must come from opt-in list.

3. Before launching any campaign, it must be approved by Advertiser.

4. Solicitations must only be sent to U.S. residents and its territories that are at least 18 years of age.

5. Unsubscribe instructions for both the list provider and Advertiser must be clear, conspicuous and functional.

6. Advertiser stores a database of names for those who have opted out of receiving Advertiser offers. Email partners are required to access this database and suppress these names prior to each email deployment. Instructions for accessing this database will be provided by Advertiser.

ii. Email Subject Lines and Fraud:
The following are terms that are not to be used in the "From" field or subject line field for any message sent on behalf of Advertiser, and are also not to be used when marketing Advertiser products indirectly:

● Rebuild credit
● Credit Rebuild
● Reestablish credit
● Credit reestablish
● Free credit card
● Guaranteed ap
● My free credit
● High credit line
● Credit line
● High limit
● Instant approval
● Instant decision
● Credit Score
● Built Credit
● Credit Decision
● Fixed APR or Fixed Interest Rate
● No security deposits
● Bad Credit OK
● Get your credit back on track
● Credit limit up to
● Limited time offer
● Open attitude about credit criteria
● Do not imply "buying power" in any way
● Subprime
● "Get" your credit card
● Low APR or Low Interest
● Free to apply
● Get an answer
● Get a decision
● Unsecured
● Guaranteed

Publisher shall be responsible for preventing email marketing fraud, including email address spoofing; for clarification, Advertiser shall not be required to pay for Publisher’s performance or services hereunder that are affected by any such email marketing fraud.

iii. Compliance:

You must comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations including but not limited to, TCPA, CAN-SPAM, CASL, TILA, UDAAP, California Business & Professions Code Section 17529.1 et seq. (“CA BPC § 17529.1 et seq.”), the Federal Trade Commission Act, and any other applicable laws, rules and regulations. Additionally, you must comply with each of the following:

1. Emails shall use only creative, from lines, and subject lines provided or approved by Advertiser in writing.

2. Any email sent by Publisher must have, in the “from” line, a domain name registered to the sender that accurately identifies the Publisher and which can be confirmed by performing a WHOIS look-up.

3. Publisher is prohibited from using “subject” lines that contain “Re:…”, “Fwd:…” or other similar short-hands that obscure the email as an original advertising communication from the Publisher.

4. Publisher shall not send email messages from accounts obtained using scripts or other automated means of registering for multiple email accounts.

5. Publisher shall submit the content for each email to Advertiser for review and Advertiser’s approval prior to sending such email as part of any email campaign. Publisher shall not alter the content of emails in any way after Advertiser’s approval, including the “subject” lines and “from” lines of emails, without the prior written consent of Advertiser.

6. Publisher shall immediately stop sending any email campaigns upon written notice from Advertiser.

Restricciones por oferta:

  • Acciones al día por objetivo "CPA" hasta 50 (total by offer)

Fuentes de tráfico recomendadas:

Email, Display, Direct, Native, Social Influencer, Content/Reviews

Noticias de oferta:


    We regret to inform you that HomeEquityQuiz Affiliate Program is now closed at the request of the advertiser. 

    Please remove all existing links immediately.

    Thank you for your efforts in promoting this advertiser!

  • 20/02/2023, 11:47 FYI! new integration link for Home Equity Quiz_US

    Due to some integration changes the new integration link has been settled.

    Please use Landing ID: 181623 from now on !

    Leads from Landing ID: 180981 may not be approved by advertiser.

  • 13/02/2023, 18:03 FYI ! Find home purchase and mortgage with Home Equity Quiz

    New program Home Equity Quiz_US has been launched

    Payout: 30$

    GEO: USA

    Recommended traffic sources and types: Email, Display, Direct, Native, Social Influencer, Content/Reviews

    The offer is available on Basic tariff by Individual request. 

    Come and get it!

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