
Id de la oferta: 15405
Objetivo Pago Procesando PostClick Porcentaje de aceptación
Online Sale
Online Booking: 2%
Moneda: USD
Id del objetivo: 22386 (Activa)
2 % Máximo 60 days
30 days Sin datos

Geo localización:

Todos los países


Lopesan Hotel Group started its activity in 1972 specialising in the construction of public works projects. Lopesan Hotels and IFA by Lopesan Hotels are 5-star hotels in exceptional locations: Canary Islands (Spain), Dominican Republic and Austria. All the hotels have been designed to offer an unforgettable experience during their guests holidays.

Action Locking: 
Actions are locked after end of the month they are approved
If actions are not updated within 24 month(s), they will be automatically reversed

  • 60días
  • 378.9K
    Usuarios al mes
  • 250$
    Cesta media
  • 2.5%
  • Lopesan Hotel Group started its activity in 1972.
  • Full time account management and support.
  • Competitive commission rates.

Landings (1):

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Condiciones adicionales:

Trademark Terms:

- Buying domains including Lopesan brand name and misspellings are not allowed.

- Affiliates are not allowed to buy, register or create domains or subdomains which may mislead users to believe that such site is the merchants brand website.

Email Terms:

- All email partners must contact Affilired team to request approval

Voucher codes, coupon sites Terms:

- Affiliates may ONLY advertise coupon codes that are distributed by the Affilired on behalf of Lopesan Hotels. Any sales registered through other coupon codes will not be considered valid and will be cancelled.
- Affiliates are not allowed to promote coupon codes that have not been issued via the affiliate channel.

Incentivised traffic, Tool bars and Pop-ups:

- Incentivised traffic is allowed only from cashback and loyalty/reward affiliates.

- Affiliates are not allowed to use Pop Ups, Pop Unders or any other format that is deemed intrusive or use any other cookie stuffing techniques that may force the cookie in the user's browser.

- Affiliates are not permitted to promote the Lopesan through any toolbar unless they have direct authorisation from the advertiser/Affilired.

Commission Approval:

- Sales will be processed for approval after the final user's check-out date

PPC Policy:

- PPC campaigns are strictly forbidden for any search engine.

– Buying domains including the brand name and misspellings are not allowed.

Fuentes de tráfico recomendadas:

Loyalty/Rewards, Deal/Coupons, Social Influencer, Network, Content/Reviews

Noticias de oferta:

  • 10/08/2023, 18:28 Lopesan_WW SUSPENDED

    The offer Lopesan_WW has been suspended due to the advertiser's request.
    Please stop the traffic ASAP