Id de la oferta: 15698
Objetivo Pago Procesando PostClick Porcentaje de aceptación
CPC Click-out Flights - GBP 0.12 (desktop), GBP 0.05 (mobile) Hotels - GBP 0.09 (desktop), GBP 0.06 (mobile)
Moneda: GBP
Id del objetivo: 22775 (Activa)
0.05-0.12 £ Máximo 55 days
1 day 100%

Geo localización:

Reino Unido


Want to see the world without breaking the bank? Search our travel deals & pack your bags. Search flexible dates. From flights to stays to car rentals, our deals mean you never have to overpay to explore. Free cancellation. Best prices online. Services: Hotel Deals, Car Rental.

KAYAK pays CPC on the click-out (not the click) with a user path as follow:
- User visits your site, clicks on KAYAK link which drives them to KAYAK’s page
- On KAYAK’s site the user clicks-out to a provider page (e.g. Flights to Miami from American Airlines)

Cookie length is 30 minutes and click outs only account for post-click conversions, not for post-view conversions.

KAYAK does not pay out commission on:
1. Error fare traffic
2. Traffic over 500 clicks with booking conversion below 1% per week
3. More than 5 click-outs from one user for each search within a session
4. Any transaction that occurs more than 30 mins after the user is redirected to KAYAK
5. Clicks resulting from users being redirected to KAYAK with incorrect tracking (where the program id passed on tracking does not match the domain locale. Global programs are the only exception)
6. We do not pay for click-outs on Sponsored Ads, but only for click-outs to provider sites (View Deal click-out)

Note that affiliates are not allowed to use ad links (e.g. from google search or other KAYAK ads) but strictly links taken from the KAYAK website

Attention! The number of leads doubles due to technical issues with the advertiser, therefore the rejection rate reflected in the offer is not reliable.

  • 55días
  • 4.5M
    Usuarios al mes
  • 1000£
    Cesta media
  • 1.2%
  • Search hundreds of sites simultaneously
  • Book with flexibility
  • Track for the best price

Landings (2):

Mostrar todo

Condiciones adicionales:

Cookie length is 30 minutes and click outs only account for post-click conversions, not for post-view conversions.

Noticias de oferta:

  • 31/08/2023, 16:51 KAYAK_UK is Live!

    New offer KAYAK_UK has been launched!

    GEO - UK

    CPC - Click-out - GBP 0.05-0.12

    The offer is available on Basic tariff by Individual access.

    Join & earn!