Straight Talk_US
Id de la oferta: 16397
Objetivo Pago Procesando PostClick Porcentaje de aceptación
List for Item SKU is Non Commissionable: $0.00 Item Subtotal greater than $600: $23.08 (fixed cost per order) All Other: 3.85% (of order sale amount)
Moneda: USD
Id del objetivo: 23641 (Activa)
3.85% - 23.08 $ Máximo 90 days
45 days Sin datos

Geo localización:

Estados Unidos


Straight Talk is a brand of TracFone Wireless, Inc., one of the largest wireless providers in the US. Straight Talk provides nationwide coverage on America’s best and most dependable networks.

  • 90días
  • 5.9M
    Usuarios al mes
  • 50$
    Cesta media
  • 1.2%
  • Save even more with a Walmart+ membership on us.
  • There’s a plan for everyone.
  • Activate

Landings (1):

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Condiciones adicionales:

Coupons and Promotional Codes: Publishers may only use coupons and promotional codes that are provided exclusively through the affiliate program
Special Instructions: Policy violations may be subject to commission reversals. Missing orders (transaction inquiries) will be declined if submitted after 60-days from the transaction event date.

Noticias de oferta:

  • 04/04/2024, 17:00 STRAIGHT TALK_US IS LAUNCHED!

    STRAIGHT TALK_US is launched!

    GEO: US


    List for Item SKU is Non Commissionable: $0.00

    Item Subtotal greater than $600: $23.08 (fixed cost per order)

    All Other: 3.85% (of order sale amount)

    The offer is available on Basic tariff by individual request