Charles Clinkard_WW
Identifiant de l'offre: 13224
Objectif Paiement En cours de traitement Post-clic Pourcentage d'acceptation
input of personal info+paid order
Devise: GBP
Identifiant de l'objectif: 19691 (Active)
3.8-7.6 % maximum 90 days
30 days 100%

Ciblage géographique:

Albanie , Algérie , Anguilla , Antigua-et-Barbuda , Argentine , Aruba , Australie , Autriche , Bahamas , Bahreïn , Bengladesh , Barbade , Bielorussie, Belgique , Bermudes , Bolivie , Bosnie-Herzégovine , Brésil, Îles Vierges britanniques , Brunei , Bulgarie , Canada , Cap-Vert , Chili , Costa Rica , Croatie , Chypre , République Tchèque , Danemark , République Dominicaine , Equateur , Egypte , Estonie , Îles Féroé , Fidji , Finlande , France , Allemagne , Gibraltar , Grèce, Grenade , Guam , Guyana , Honduras , Hong-Kong , Hongrie, Islande , Inde , Irlande , Israël , Italie , Jamaïque , Japon , Jordanie , Kenya , Koweit , Lettonie , Lituanie , Luxembourg , Macédoine , Malte , Ile Maurice , Mexique , Montserrat , Népal , Pays-Bas , Nouvelle Zélande , Norvège , Pakistan , Panama , Papouasie - Nouvelle Guinée , Paraguay , Pérou , Philippines , Pologne , Portugal , Porto-Rico , Qatar , Roumanie, Saint Kitts et Nevis, Salvador , Saint-Marin , Arabie Saoudite , Serbie , Îles Seychelles , Singapour , Slovaquie , Slovénie , Afrique du Sud , Espagne , Sri lanka, Sainte-Lucie , Suède , Taiwan , Îles Caïmans , République de Corée , Tonga , Trinité-et-Tobago , Tunisie , Îles Turques-et-Caïques, Émirats arabes unis , Royaume-Uni , Etats-Unis, Ukraine, Uruguay , Vatican , Venezuela


Charles Clinkard provides high quality footwear for men, women and children. Buying shoes for the entire family is easy when you find the right selection, which is what Charles Clinkard aimed to help  customers do over the past 90 years

  • 90jours
    Délai de traitement
  • 500K
    Usagers chaque mois
  • 50£
    Montant moyen d'achat
  • 1,2%
  • High quality footwear
  • Free UK delivery
  • International delivery

Pages d'atterissage (2):

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Conditions complémentaires:


Any publisher found to be promoting content considered inappropriate by Charles Clinkard, and at the sole discretion of Charles Clinkard and without the need for explanation or proof will be susceptible to the actions covered under "Action Against Breaches" at the end of these terms. This includes content visible on any websites associated with or operated by the publisher as well as social media accounts and other marketing materials (even if this content is not directly featured or associated against Charles Clinkard).

Clear examples of prohibited materials include:

- Racist, sexist or otherwise offensive content.

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- Gambling.

- Fake news.


All PPC activity is prohibited by default.

At the sole discretion of Charles Clinkard, any publisher found to be in breach of the above terms may be immediately and without notice removed from any and all affiliate campaigns/accounts/programmes operated for/by Charles Clinkard. This may also result in any pending transactions being immediately declined and action taken to recover commissions/fees already paid to publishers for the duration of any breach if such a breach occurred and commissions were paid to the publisher.

Nouvelles des offres:

  • 29/08/2022 à 14:56 Delays in displaying the statistics


    At the moment, we have delays in displaying the statistics due to technical problems.

    Everything will be fixed, and the statistics will be fully loaded in the nearest future.

  • 06/02/2020 à 15:41 Attention! New program ' CHARLES CLINKARD_WW' is launched

    Geo: worldwide

    CPA: 3.8-7.6 %

    The program is available on basic tariff.

    Join and earn!

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