Codashop WW
Identifiant de l'offre: 15449
Objectif Paiement En cours de traitement Post-clic Pourcentage d'acceptation
Paid order
New user: item category is 494 - 0.8 %; all other - 3.85 %. Returning user: item category is 494 - 0.8 %; all other - 0.8 % Sales from India - 0
Devise: USD
Identifiant de l'objectif: 22446 (Active)
0.8-3.85 % maximum 70 days
30 days 66.67%

Ciblage géographique:

Argentine , Australie , Bengladesh , Brésil, Cambodge , Canada , Colombie , Egypte , France , Allemagne , Hong-Kong , Indonésie , Japon , Malaisie , Mexique , Myanmar , Pays-Bas , Pakistan , Philippines , Arabie Saoudite , Singapour , Espagne , Taiwan , Thaïlande , République de Corée , Turquie , Royaume-Uni , Etats-Unis, Viêt-Nam


We make digital content accessible to every market. We run campaigns with game and digital content publishers to bring exciting and exclusive deals to users.

$1,000.00-$1,999.99 - 7.7 $

$2,000.00-$2,999.99 - 23.08 $

$3,000.00-$3,999.99 - 46.15 $

$4,000.00-$4,999.99 - 76.92 $

$5,000.00-$5,999.99 - 153.85 $

$6,000.00-$7,999.99 - 246.15 $

$8,000.00-$9,999.99 - 369.23 $

$10,000.00+ - 523.08 $

Payout structure:

New user: item category is 494 - 0.8 %; all other - 3.85 %.
Returning user: item category is 494 - 0.8 % and all other - 0.8 %
Sales from India - 0

for sales in India – 0%

  • 70jours
    Délai de traitement
  • 15 mln
    Usagers chaque mois
  • 100$
    Montant moyen d'achat
  • 1,1%
  • Trusted by millions of gamers and digital consumers
  • Global marketplace for in-game currencies and content
  • Over 65 markets worldwide

Pages d'atterissage (1):

Afficher tout

Conditions complémentaires:

● Pay-per-click advertising on Google, MSN, Bing, Yahoo, Facebook or any
other network or search engine in the world
● SMS messages, or outbound phone calls, including robocalls
● Unsolicited bulk emails (spam)
● Dedicated emails (email featuring only Codashop, sent entirely in
Codashop’s branding from an email address that may be perceived as
coming from Codashop directly)
● Paid Social Media (with Codashop branded advertising or Codashop
affiliate tracking links)
● Content that encourages violence, discrimination, illegal conduct, is
pornographic or otherwise violates Codashop’s brand guidelines or could
harm Codashop’s goodwill or reputation
● Reselling any of Codashop’s credits to audience

Nouvelles des offres:

  • 17/12/2024 à 16:29 NEW PROMO FOR CODASHOP! GEO:PH

    Coda Rewards x DITO - Earn up to 8% Coda Rewards

    available till Jan, 10th

    GEO: PH

    Enjoy and earn!

  • 13/02/2024 à 12:30 CODASHOP WW: commission structure changes

    Item category is 494 - 0.8 % - for both returning and new customers

  • 10/01/2024 à 12:13 CODASHOP WW: new commission structure

    The new rate for item category 494 is 2.3 %

  • 02/01/2024 à 19:39 CODASHOP WW: new commission structure

    New user: item category is 494 - 0.77 %; all other - 3.85 %.
    Returning user: item category is 494 - 0.77 %; all other - 0.77 %
    Sales from India - 0

  • 01/12/2023 à 15:47 CODASHOP WW: increased commission

    New rate - 0.77-6.15 % !

  • 27/11/2023 à 08:18 Codashop_WW: commission changes

    New rate is 0.77-3.85 % for all regions except India.

  • 02/11/2023 à 12:06 CODASHOP: NEW BONUS RATE

    Codashop has a new bonus rate for Black Friday period!

    All the details in the offer's description.


  • 02/10/2023 à 14:15 New Commission Structure on Codashop WW!

    Codashop WW has changed the rates.

    New CPS is 0.77% for a returning user, 3.85% for a new user.

  • 22/09/2023 à 11:40 New Banners on Codashop WW!

    MapleStory M is now on Codashop across all markets!

    In-Game Event: Full Moon on the 27th Sept

    Countries: Global (except Vietnam, Kenya, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan and Hong Kong)

    Please find new banners in the offer.

  • 16/08/2023 à 10:37 New Commission Structure on Codashop WW!

    Codashop WW has changed the commission structure.

    New rates are: 0.77-3.85% for a returning user, 3.85-7.69% for a new user

    For more details, please see the offer description.

  • 19/06/2023 à 10:35 Commission structure change on Codashop WW

    Codashop WW has changed the commission structure.

    The new rates are:

    The standard payout a new user: 0.77% of order sale amount

    in Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia and Taiwan – 4.62% of order sale amount

    in India – 0%

    The standard payout for a returning user: 0.19% of order sale amount

    in Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia and Taiwan – 0.77% of order sale amount

    in India – 0%

    Dates: June 18 – onwards

  • 28/04/2023 à 13:05 Earn more in May with Codashop WW!

    Great news! You have the opportunity to earn more commissions with Codashop WW this May! Starting from the 1st May until 31st May 2023, you will be able to earn a higher commission rate when you hit a certain number of New Users.

    Kindly note that this tiered bonus commission does not apply to MENA countries and India.

  • 07/04/2023 à 18:16 New Offer – Codashop WW now live!

    Codashop WW is now live!

    Codashop is a global marketplace for in-game currencies and content, trusted by millions of gamers and digital consumers in over 65 markets worldwide.

    Geo: worldwide

    CPS – 0.77-7.69% for a user

    To start working on this offer, please provide the details about your traffic sources (including links).

Toutes les actualités