Identifiant de l'offre: 16358
Objectif Paiement En cours de traitement Post-clic Pourcentage d'acceptation
CPS Default Payout: 26.92% (of order sale amount)
Devise: USD
Identifiant de l'objectif: 23586 (Active)
26.92 % maximum 90 days
30 days 100%

Ciblage géographique:



We’re a pet care subscription box for cats and dogs. Our mission is to keep pets healthy and make their humans happy. From flea treatment to dog supplements, we provide custom products for every life stage

  • 90jours
    Délai de traitement
  • 231K
    Usagers chaque mois
  • 20$
    Montant moyen d'achat
  • 1.2%
  • Products
  • Pet parenting made easier
  • Take Quiz

Pages d'atterissage (1):

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Conditions complémentaires:

More new customers - possibly better CPA

Nouvelles des offres:

  • 25/03/2024 à 16:27 PETFRIENDLY_US IS LAUNCHED!

    PETFRIENDLY_US is launched!

    GEO: US

    CPS: Default Payout: 26.92% (of order sale amount)
    The offer is available on Basic tariff by individual request