Identifiant de l'objectif: 24314 (Active) |
4.62 % | maximum |
30 days | Aucune donnée |
Ciblage géographique:
Albanie , Arménie , Autriche , Azerbaïdjan , Bielorussie, Belgique , Bosnie-Herzégovine , Bulgarie , Canada , Croatie , Chypre , République Tchèque , Danemark , Estonie , Finlande , France , Géorgie , Allemagne , Grèce, Hongrie, Islande , Italie , Lettonie , Lituanie , Monténégro , Pays-Bas , Norvège , Pologne , Roumanie, Saint-Marin , Serbie , Slovaquie , Slovénie , Espagne , Suisse , Royaume-Uni , Etats-Unis
Wish is an online e-commerce platform that facilitates transactions between sellers and buyers. Wish is Shopping Made Fun. Shop millions of quality products at deep, deep discounts!
Pages d'atterissage (4):
Conditions complémentaires:
Search Policy Media Partners may not bid on Wish or any other ContextLogic corporation trademarks, misspellings or variations through Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing or Microsoft Ad Center (Bing) or any other search engine. The combination of trademark plus keyword bidding is also not acceptable. Media Partners may not direct link to Wish.com using Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing or Microsoft Ad Center (Bing) or any other search engine. All SEM ads placed on these networks are required to land on the publisher website (no redirects). Media Partners may not place ads and direct link on Google Display Network; this includes text, image, video and media rich ads. Media Partners can use Google Display Network if landing traffic on their website first. Media Partners may not bid on Wish’s vendors or competitors keywords. Media Partners cannot use our display url or direct link on any keyword in traditional paid search. Coupon Policy Media Partners may only use coupons and promotional codes that are provided exclusively through this program. Non-Commissionable Items Media Partners do not receive commission on the purchase of gift cards.
Nouvelles des offres:
19/11/2024 à 15:18
Commission increase for Wish.com_US_CA_UK_EU!
Commission increase for Wish.com_US_CA_UK_EU!
CPS: 4.62%