CPS - Revshare
pay 23% CPS
renew 38.5% CPS
Στόχοι ID: 19856 (Ενεργή) |
23-38.5 % | μέγιστο όριο |
30 days | 100% |
Γεωγραφική στόχευση:
Fetisch.de is an online community tailor made for BDSM lovers and kinksters! 100% real community with real people looking to share and connect with others with the same interest!
Τα landing (1):
Ειδήσεις του Offer:
02/09/2018 σε 21:49
Attention! New campaign Fetisch.de - CPL( DOI) has been launched!
Attention! New campaign Fetisch.de - CPL( DOI) has been launched! GEO Germany. DOI Registration 2.4€. Join and earn!