CPS Paid Subscription- 30%
Recurring Suspcription - 30%
Στόχοι ID: 21615 (Ενεργή) |
30 % | μέγιστο όριο |
180 days | 100% |
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Benzinga Pro brings you fast stock market news and alerts. Get access to market-moving news and customizable research tools so you can make informed trades.
CPS- 23%
CONDITION: You will only receive this commission for if the “referral’s” credit card is processed after the 14-day free trial and for as long as the “referral” continues to be subscribed to Benzinga’s product.
Free trial is NOT Commissionable.
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Ειδήσεις του Offer:
09/01/2024 σε 12:32
CPAi for BenzingaPro_WW and Commission for Recurring subscription!
The offer BenzingaPro_WW has increased the commission for
CPS Paid Subscription- 30%
Recurring Suspcription - 30%