ID του offer: 15914
Στόχος Πληρωμή Επεξεργασία Postclick Ποσοστό έγκρισης
Online sale: 0.46-1.15 %
Νόμισμα: USD
Στόχοι ID: 23050 (Ενεργή)
0.46-1.15 % μέγιστο όριο 375 days
30 days 33.33%

Γεωγραφική στόχευση:

Αυστραλία, Γερμανία, Ιρλανδία, Ολλανδία, Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο, Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες


Founded in 2002 in order to ‘Add Happiness’ to holidays and make it easier for you to buy attraction tickets to the world's leading attractions - Walt Disney World, SeaWorld, Universal Orlando & Disneyland Paris!

UK, IE, AU, NL, US (0.46 - 0.96 %):
disney_paris_ticket_order - 0.46 % of order sale amount
disney_paris_hotel_order - 0.96 % of order sale amount
All other - 0.96 % of order sale amount

DE (0.46 - 1.15 %):
disney_paris_ticket_order - 0.46 % of order sale amount
disney_paris_hotel_order - 0.96 % of order sale amount
All other - 1.15 % of order sale amount

Indicated processing time is the longest possible time for actions to receive their final status, however most actions can be accepted/rejected as early as within 2 months after they are tracked.

  • 365ημέρες
    processing time
  • 380K
    users monthly
  • 50$
    Average purchase size
  • 1.2%
  • Add happiness to your life!
  • Tickets to the best attraction parks
  • Booking disney park hotels
Top countries

Τα landing (1):

Προβολή όλων

Πρόσθετοι όροι:

Advertiser does NOT allow media partner to fire their tracking pixel when the consumer action is completed.

• It is strictly forbidden for any partners to bid on trademarks, brand name(s), or any derivations/misspellings - with or without spaces, in any SEM campaigns

• “”, “Attraction Tickets” and all variations thereof must be added as negative keywords in all PPC campaigns

• “” (or variations thereof) must not appear in any paid advertising as the display URL, nor can it appear in the main domain of any partner’s website

• Partners in breach of our terms may face the reversal of some (or all) pending pay-outs and other penalties – potentially including removal from the programme

Website Restrictions

• Partners are not permitted to use any mis-spell domains which could be confused with our own website or that of any of our partners

• Partners must not mask or cloak their URLs

• Embedding our website or content in an Iframe is strictly forbidden

• Scraping our site (https://www./ is strictly forbidden

Branding Restrictions

• All partners must ensure that any logos and brand descriptions are up to date

• No amendments are permitted to be made to our copyright protected assets

All offers listed on partner sites must be kept up to date and in-line with our own terms and conditions

Ειδήσεις του Offer:

  • 25/10/2023 σε 15:24 ATTRACTIONTICKETS_US_UK_IE_DE_NL_AU is LIVE!

    New offer ATTRACTIONTICKETS_US_UK_IE_DE_NL_AU has been launched!

    GEO - US, UK, IE, DE, NL, AU

    CPS - 

    The offer is available on Basic tariff by Individual request.
