Lycamobile_DE_SE_DK_ AT_UK
Ajánlat ID-ja: 15507
Cél Kifizetés Feldolgozás Post-click Elfogadás százaléka
0.77% for an existing customer, 3.85-11.54 EUR for a new customer
Valuta: EUR
ID célok: 22509 (Aktív)
0.77%-11.54 € maximum 50 days
30 days 100%


Ausztria, Dánia, Svédország, Nagy-Britannia


Lyca Mobile is a leading mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) having a strong brand presence and a wide range of products and services that appeal to a diverse customer base.

0.77% for an existing customer

3.85 EUR for a new customer in DE, FR, SE, DK

11.54 EUR for a new customer in NL

6.23 EUR for a new customer in UK

Bonus structure for UK:

12 Month UL - 35.31 EUR
12 Month 100GB - 26.45 EUR
12 Month 20GB - 17.15 EUR
12 Month 5GB - 8.82 EUR
1 Month UL - 4.46 EUR
1 Month 100GB - 4.46 EUR
1 Month 20GB - 4.46 EUR
1 Month 5GB - 4.46 EUR

  • 50nap
    feldolgozás időszaka
  • 765 000
    felhasználó havonta
  • 100€
    egy előfizetőre jutó átlagos árbevétel
  • 1.1%
  • EU Roaming Included
  • Great Savings with Sim only Deals
  • Network Coverage

Landing oldalak (7):

Mindent mutat

További feltételek:

You are prohibited to use:
Retargeting Advertising
Google CSS
Mobile Advertising (incl. In-App)
Social Media (incl. Influencers) Advertising
Email Marketing

Az ajánlat hírei:

  • 13/10/2023-n 10:59kor Lycamobile_DE_FR_SE_NL_DK_ AT_UK is back live!

    Lycamobile_DE_FR_SE_NL_DK_ AT_UK is now live, please feel free to promote it.

  • 05/10/2023-n 14:09kor Lycamobile_DE_FR_SE_NL_DK_ AT_UK is suspended

    Dear publishers,

    Lycamobile_DE_FR_SE_NL_DK_ AT_UK has been suspended by the advertiser. Once it's live again, we'll let you know.

  • 25/07/2023-n 16:53kor New geo on Lycamobile_DE_FR_SE_NL_DK_ AT_UK!

    Lycamobile_DE_FR_SE_NL_DK_ AT_UK is now available in UK.

    CPS – 6.23 EUR for a new customer

    Join and earn!

  • 15/06/2023-n 18:02kor New commission structure on LYCAMOBILE_DE_FR_SE_NL_DK!

    LYCAMOBILE_DE_FR_SE_NL_DK has changed the rate for NL.

    New CPS for NL geo is 11.54 EUR.

  • 11/05/2023-n 16:30kor New Offer – LYCAMOBILE_DE_FR_SE_NL_DK is live now!

    LYCAMOBILE_DE_FR_SE_NL_DK has been launched.

    Lyca Mobile is a leading mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) having a strong brand presence and a wide range of products and services that appeal to a diverse customer base.

    CPS– 0.77% for an existing customer, 3.85 EUR for a new customer

    GEO – DE, FR, SE, NL, DK

    To start working with this offer, please provide details about your traffic sources, including links.

Az összes hír