ID offerta: 15300
Target Pagamento Elaborazione PostClick Accept rate
Registration- 0$ Free trial - 3.8$-7.7$ Online Sale - 1.5$-7.7$
Valuta: USD
ID target: 22254 (Attivo)
1.5-7.7 $ massimo 60 days
90 days 75%

Geo targeting:

Australia , Austria, Belgio , Canada, Danimarca, Finlandia, Francia, Germania, Grecia, Italia, Paesi Bassi, Nuova Zelanda , Norvegia, Polonia, Spagna, Svezia, Svizzera, Gran Bretagna , USA


MyHeritage DNA offers users a percentage breakdown of their ethnic origins from 42 supported ethnicities, and our DNA Matching technology automatically matches between people who have DNA in common, indicating a family relationship
ONLY for US, UK, AU, NL, DE, and FR

Registration- 0$
Complete Free trial : 3.8$ - for new customer, 1.9$ - for existing customer.

Free trial: FTB user-
for new customer- 4.6$, existing - 1.5$-

for all other  countires:
Online Sale -
existing -1.5$ - 3.8%( sale amount)
New- 2.8$ -7.7% ( sale amount)

  • 60giorni
    Tempo di elaborazione
  • 14M
    Utenti al mese
  • 50$
    Conto medio
  • 1.2%
  • Anywhere, anytime and on any device
  • Search billions of records
  • Millions of families around the world use MyHeritage

Landing (1):

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News dell'offer:

  • {data} , {ora} MyHeritage_WW SUSPENDED! stop the brand-bidding

    The offer MyHeritage_WW has been suspended due to the ingoing brand-bidding activity. STOP it ASAP, or no conversions would be paid off by the adevrtiser. 

  • {data} , {ora} MyHeritage_WW CPA rates and GEO Update

    Please be aware that Free trials are commisionable only for US, UK, AU, NL, DE, and FR.

    Current CPA range:
    ONLY for US, UK, AU, NL, DE, and FR

    Registration- 0$Complete Free trial : 3.8$ - for new customer, 1.9$ - for existing customer.

    Free trial: FTB user- 
    for new customer- 4.6$, existing - 1.5$-

    for all other  countires:
    Online Sale - existing -1.5$ - 3.8%( sale amount)
    New- 2.8$ -7.7% ( sale amount)

  • {data} , {ora} ATTENTION! MyHeritage_WW is LIVE!

    The offer My Heriatage_WW has been launched.


    CPS - 1.5-7.7$

    Work with a service that studies DNA for finding out ethnic origins and relation.
    The offer is available on Basic tariff by Individual request .


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