ID offerta: 15423
Target Pagamento Elaborazione PostClick Accept rate
Hard Goods Category, Clothing & Bags Category, Promotique Category Existing - 0,38% New - 4% Default Exisitng - 1.5% Default New - 6% All other- 1.5%
Valuta: USD
ID target: 22414 (Attivo)
0.38-7.7 % massimo 70 days
15 days Non ci sono dati

Geo targeting:

Canada, Isole Vergini americane, USA


At VistaPrint, we empower small business owners and everyday consumers to make the most of every opportunity - whether nailing a first impression or giving the perfect gift.
Hard Goods Category, Clothing & Bags Category, Promotique Category
 Existing - 0,38%
New - 4%

Default Exisitng - 1.5%
 Default New - 6%
All other- 1.5%
!!!!!!!ONLY content and cashback websites by PRE-APPROVAL process with the advertiser.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Till December the 4th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BLack Friday Commission Increase 

Hard Goods Category, PPAG Clothing & Bags Category, Promotique Category
Existing - 1.5%
New - 6%
Customer- existing - 3%
Customer New - 7.7%
All other 1.5%

  • 70giorni
    Tempo di elaborazione
  • 6.1 M
    Utenti al mese
  • 70$
    Conto medio
  • 1.2%
  • Designs, tools, and options for your small business
  • Billions printed business cards and more
  • Quick and affordable package

Landing (1):

Mostra tutto

News dell'offer:

  • {data} , {ora} CPA INCREASE! For VistaPrint _US,CA till December the 4th

    Hard Goods Category, PPAG Clothing & Bags Category, Promotique Category
    Existing - 1.5%
    New - 6%
    Customer- existing - 3%
    Customer New - 7.7%
    All other 1.5%

  • {data} , {ora} ATTENTION! New Offer VistaPrint_US,CA is LIVE!

    The offer  VistaPrint_US,CA has been launched.

    GEO- US

    CPS - 0,38%-6%

    Work with a successful service providing designs, tools, and options for your small business.
    The offer is available on Basic tariff by Individual request.


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