ID offerta: 15741
Target Pagamento Elaborazione PostClick Accept rate
Account creation: no payout Booking: 6.15 %
Valuta: USD
ID target: 22831 (Attivo)
6.15 % massimo 40 days
1826 days Non ci sono dati

Geo targeting:

Tutti i paesi


Founded in 2014, Click&Boat is the European leader in the boat charter market. The platform lists more than 50,000 boats available with or without skipper. The service is available in 164 countries with morethan 4,000 destinations worldwide.

  • 40giorni
    Tempo di elaborazione
  • 1,5M
    Utenti al mese
  • 700$
    Conto medio
  • 1,2%
  • Leader in the boat charter market
  • With or without skipper
  • Worldwide destinations

Landing (1):

Mostra tutto

Condizioni aggiuntive:

Media Partner Tracking PixelAdvertiser does NOT allow media partner to fire their tracking pixel when the consumer action is completed.
Custom Terms - CPAi
A booking will render the Affiliate entitled to payment of commission when all the following criteria are met:

- registration of the booking on the website (or one or more of its versions in other languages);

- validation of the booking by the booking owner or boat owner

- finalization of the rental

Only bookings made directly by users of the Affiliate site will render the Affiliate partner entitled to a commission. No fee will be paid for cancelled bookings

News dell'offer:

  • {data} , {ora} NEW PROMO FOR CLICK&BOAT!

    Special offers: Take advantage of Click&Boat's yacht charter discounts!

    GEO: WW

    Available till the 5th of February 

    Enjoy and earn!

  • {data} , {ora} CLICK&BOAT_WW: The New Year promocode!

    The code ADPUMP100 is extended until the 31st of December!!!

    See details in the promotion.

  • {data} , {ora} Christmas gift from Click&Boat!

    Click&Boat_WW prolonged the code ADPUMP100 until the 14th December!!!

  • {data} , {ora} CLICK&BOAT_WW: Black Friday offer!

    CLICK&BOAT_WW launched an exclusive promocode offering !!! MONEY GIFT !!! - 100€ for a minimum booking amount of 1000€

    Dates:18th - 27th November

    Promocode: ADPUMP100

    NB: during the period 18th - 27th November the rate is 4,2 % for a booking.

  • {data} , {ora} CLICK&BOAT_WW: NEW PROMOCODE!

    10€ reduction with code ADPUMP10 until the 30/09/2023!

  • {data} , {ora} ATTENTION! CLICK&BOAT_WW IS LIVE!

    New offer CLICK&BOAT_WW has been launched!

    GEO - WW

    CPA - 6.2 %

    The offer is available on Basic tariff by Individual request.


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