ID offerta: 16783
Target Pagamento Elaborazione PostClick Accept rate
Default commission 3.85%
Valuta: USD
ID target: 24136 (Attivo)
3.85 % massimo 100 days
30 days Non ci sono dati

Geo targeting:



Lumen measures your metabolism in a single breath and helps you lose weight and optimize your workouts.

From metabolic tracking to personalized nutrition plans, Lumen is an effortless metabolic tracking and wellness coach all in the palm of your hand!

Once available only to top athletes, in hospitals and clinics, metabolic testing is now available to everyone.

  • 100giorni
    Tempo di elaborazione
  • 573K
    Utenti al mese
  • 200$
    Conto medio
  • 1.3%
  • Your metabolic health, in your hands
  • Understand your unique metabolism, promote fat burn, lose weight, and boost energy naturally.
  • Stick to science, not trends

Landing (1):

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Condizioni aggiuntive:

Only use marketing materials agreed upon or provided by Lumen
- Not make any claims or provide any information about Lumen that can not be found on our website or that we have provided you with
- Not place Lumen ads on any site/social channel that is different than the ones you provided in your application without written consent

Additionally, you agree to present proof of how you are promoting Lumen, if asked to do so. If you do not provide this we reserve the right to withhold funds.

Other traffic restrictions:

No incent

No rebroke

No pop traffic

No adult traffic

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No survey

No SMS traffic

No search traffic
No retargeting
No SEM/ Media buy
No Cashback
No Loyalty programs

Email - with prior approval of the text/creative

Coupon/voucher/deal sites - with the below conditions:

a. remove all the external codes that are leading to us

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  • {data} , {ora} Lumen_US (ID: 16783) is launched!

    Lumen_US (ID: 16783) is launched!

    CPS - 3.85%

    GEO - US

    The offer is available on Basic tariff by individual request.