
ID-Nummer des Angebots: 10258
Ziel Zahlung Bearbeitung Post-Klick Akzeptierungsrate
Paid subscription for Premium account
A Premium conversion is approved after 14 days from the purchase date if the user did not cancel it during this period.
Währung: USD
ID-Nummer des Ziels: 15068 (Aktiv)
85 $ höchstens 60 days
30 days 85.71%


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Wix.com is a leading cloud-based development platform with millions of users worldwide. We make it easy for everyone to create a beautiful, professional web presence.

Promote your business, showcase your art, set up an online shop or just test out new ideas. The Wix website builder has everything you need to create a fully personalized, high-quality free website.

Payouts for premium&e-commerce subscriptions only (free registrations are not paid).

Attention: if 100% of sales are monthly Premium accounts an extension, a publisher will be disconnected from the programs with no payouts. In this case the publisher earns more then the cost of the overall purchase which allows an advertiser to think that it is fraud.

A good proportion of monthly and yearly accounts is: 50% / 50%

Please find Terms&Conditions in the file attached.

 A Premium conversion is approved after 14 days from the purchase date if the user did not cancel it during this period.

  • 60Tage
    processing time
  • 62m
    users monthly
  • 100$
    Average purchase size
  • 1,1%
  • Innovative Technology
  • Best in the Sector
  • Smart IT solution
Top countries

Landings (4):

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Nachrichten des Angebots:

  • 18/09/2018 um 12:33 Attention! Wix.com is suspended

    The campaign Wix.com is suspended due to the advertiser's request.

  • 20/11/2017 um 14:37 Attantion! Thanksgiving sale at Wix.com

    Feast on these holiday savings!
    Save 50% when you upgrade your website.
    •Get a FREE custom domain
    •Add Google Analytics to your site
    •Remove all Wix ads
    •Receive 10GB of storage & unlimited bandwidth
    •Enjoy Premium support

  • 30/10/2017 um 14:36 Attention! Halloween Sale at wix.com

    Halloween Sale at wix.com

    Dates: October 30 - November 3, 2017

    50% off on Yearly Unlimited and eCommerce Plans

    Join and earn!

  • 13/09/2017 um 12:38 Attention! New Wix.com offer is launched

    Aim: Premium subscription

    Publisher's reward: $85

    Geo: all countries

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