Nice Quest_ES
ID-Nummer des Angebots: 14927
Ziel Zahlung Bearbeitung Post-Klick Akzeptierungsrate
CPL - 0.65 EUR
Währung: EUR
ID-Nummer des Ziels: 21805 (Aktiv)
0.65 € höchstens 60 days
30 days Keine Daten




Nicequest is a web portal where users can collect premiums by sharing their opinion. Nicequest's goal is to make the participation at online surveys an experience.

Target audience group: 18+;

Description lead: 1 minute subscription, followed by e-mail confirmation;

Lead disapproval: fake details / irrelevant personal details;

Preview of the ads is mandatory before launching the campaign and needs to be approved with account manager

  • 60Tage
    processing time
  • 2.9M
    users monthly
  • 50€
    Average purchase size
  • 2.3%
  • Competitive Pricing
  • Competitive commission rates
  • Share the moment, get rewarded
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Landings (1):

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1. Affiliates are allowed to use Productfeed, Social media, Keyword marketing, Email marketing;
2. Affiliates are NOT allowed to use Product listing ads (E.g. Google Shopping, Bing Shopping, Facebook Product Ads.), Cashback, Coupon code, Incentive ads.