ID-Nummer des Angebots: 7934
Ziel Zahlung Bearbeitung Post-Klick Akzeptierungsrate
Paid order
Währung: RUR
ID-Nummer des Ziels: 11286 (Aktiv)
2.30 % höchstens 30 days
30 days 75.31%
Paid order of existing customer
Währung: RUR
ID-Nummer des Ziels: 17849 (Aktiv)
1.15 % höchstens 30 days
30 days 100%


Russland (städte: Archangelsk , Astrachan , Barnaul , Belgorod , Brjansk , Wladiwostok, Wladimir , Wolgograd, Wologda , Woronesch, Jekaterinburg , Iwanowo , Ischewsk , Irkutsk , Joschkar-Ola, Kasan, Kaliningrad, Kaluga , Kemerowo , Kirow , Krasnodar, Krasnodar (Region), Krasnojarsk , Kursk , Lipezk , Magnitogorsk , Moskau , Murmansk , Nabereschnyje Tschelny, Nischnekamsk , Nischni Nowgorod, Nowgorod (Gebiet), Nowokusnezk , Nowosibirsk , Omsk , Orenburg , Orenburg (Gebiet), Orjol , Pensa , Perm , Petrosawodsk , Die Republik Krim , Chakassien (Republik), Rostow am Don, Rjasan, Samara , Sankt Petersburg, Saransk , Saratow, Smolensk , Sotschi , Stawropol , Surgut , Taganrog, Twer , Toljatti , Tomsk , Tula , Tjumen , Uljanowsk , Ufa , Chabarowsk , Der Autonome Kreis der Chanten und Mansen, Tscheboksary , Tscheljabinsk , Tscherepowez , Jakutsk , Jaroslawl )


KASSIR.RU is the biggest ticket distribution company in Eastern Europe. The web page provides more than 3 500 events to suit all tastes. Over 70 000 000 people attend our events every year.

KASSIR.RU cooperates with the largest Russian and international promotional companies. Moreover, it is the official ticket distribution company of Federal scale events.

Customer  advantages:

- a wide range of activities to suit all tastes. 

- convenient interface and easy website navigation.

- more than 2 000 ticket offices 

- only official tickets

-  convenient method of payment  (cash, credit card)

- delivery in Moscow and Moscow origin

Publisher  advantages:

- lucrative compensation 

- a wide core audience 

- high traffic conversion (5%)

- quick order fulfilment 

- currently updated promo material

Landings (17):

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