Identifiant de l'offre: 16361
Objectif Paiement En cours de traitement Post-clic Pourcentage d'acceptation
Free trial (All Apps/Web): $0.00 Paid subscription (Facetune Web): $19.23 Paid subscription (Videoleap Web): $19.23 Paid subscription (Photoleap Web): $19.23 Installs (All Apps/Web): $0.00 Photoleap Android : Photoleap - Paid subscription: $15.38 Photoleap iOS : Paid subscription: $15.38 Videoleap Android : Videoleap - Paid subscription: $15.38 Facetune Android : Facetune - Paid subscription: $15.38 Facetune iOS : Paid subscription: $15.38
Devise: USD
Identifiant de l'objectif: 23589 (Active)
15.38 - 19.23 $ maximum 90 days
30 days Aucune donnée

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  • 90jours
    Délai de traitement
  • 641K
    Usagers chaque mois
  • 21$
    Montant moyen d'achat
  • 1.2%
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Nouvelles des offres:

  • 26/03/2024 à 17:11 LIGHTRICKS_WW IS LAUNCHED!

    LIGHTRICKS_WW is launched!

    GEO: WW

    CPA: Free trial (All Apps/Web): $0.00

    Paid subscription (Facetune Web): $19.23

    Paid subscription (Videoleap Web): $19.23

    Paid subscription (Photoleap Web): $19.23

    Installs (All Apps/Web): $0.00

    Photoleap Android : Photoleap - Paid subscription: $15.38

    Photoleap iOS : Paid subscription: $15.38

    Videoleap Android : Videoleap - Paid subscription: $15.38

    Facetune Android : Facetune - Paid subscription: $15.38

    Facetune iOS : Paid subscription: $15.38
    The offer is available on Basic tariff by individual request