CashPoker Pro ICO
Ajánlat ID-ja: 10656
Cél Kifizetés Feldolgozás Post-click Elfogadás százaléka
Investment to ICO project
Valuta: ETH
ID célok: 15740 (Aktív)
6.9 % maximum 22 days
30 days Nincs adat


Az összes ország


Cash Poker Pro is a modern poker room with a network structure and a mechanism for fast and confidential money transfers based on the blockchain technology

ICO starts 26th october and is open till 

Limited period: Oct 26 -Nov 18 , 2017

There are banners in the offer, but you can create your own banners how you want them to look for your public. The individual Bonus by our link is 1% additional (CASH) amount to any investment made by an individual promo code.

Pay attention that the advertiser provides statistics every week. Sales and Clicks will be available in 7 days. For any questions please contact the manager of the offer.

The access to the campaign is individual, every publsher has a unique promocode for his users.

Conditions to work with the campaign - a publisher takes his persona tracking l link, it leads to his invidual landing, the user must go through it and when paying from his ETH wallet enters your individual promotional code, which is issued by publisher´s personal manager (this is mandatory) . Then a user receives 1%  extra tokens, and a publisher gets his % of interest from an investment! Transactions are updated 2 times a week.

Token sale has ended.

  • 10nap
    feldolgozás időszaka
  • 23K
    felhasználó havonta
  • no limitETH
    egy előfizetőre jutó átlagos árbevétel
  • 3%
  • Best ICO project
  • Based on a blockchain
  • Modern poker room

Landing oldalak (0):

Mindent mutat

Az ajánlat hírei:

  • 26/10/2017-n 20:04kor ATTENTION! NEW campaign CashPoker Pro ICO is launched now!

    ATTENTION! NEW campaign CashPoker Pro ICO is launched now!
    Remuneration for the investment contribution is 6.9%, the GEO is the whole world. The offer is available at a basic rate with by individual request. By your individual promotional code, the user receives 1% CASH in addition to the amount of his investment!
    Join now and earn with us!