
Ajánlat ID-ja: 14693
Cél Kifizetés Feldolgozás Post-click Elfogadás százaléka
Registration - $0 First Job Post -0$ New Client Start - 54% Existing Client - 3.8%
Valuta: USD
ID célok: 21523 (Aktív)
3.8-54 % maximum 40 days
30 days 20%




Upwork is an American freelancing platform. It allows clients to interview, hire and work with freelancers and freelance agencies through the company's platform. 
The company's full name is now Upwork Global Inc. Upwork is currently based in Santa Clara and San Francisco, California but has no limints to be used. 

Serves everyone from one-person start-ups to 30% of the Fortune 100 with a powerful trust-driven platform. 

Info for Affiliates: please, pay your attention that registrations on the website are unpaid. New Clients starts are rewarded only.
“New Client” means a Qualified Lead that completes a Qualified Purchase within sixty (60) days after becoming a Qualified Lead.

Content  only!!!!!!!!!

PLEASE MIND THAT: There is a PRE_APPROVAL process with the advertiser!!

  • 60nap
    feldolgozás időszaka
  • 43.3M
    felhasználó havonta
  • 75$
    egy előfizetőre jutó átlagos árbevétel
  • 2.2%
  • Proof of quality
  • No cost until you hire
  • Safe and secure

Landing oldalak (1):

Mindent mutat

További feltételek:

Coupon and loyalty publishers are strictly prohibited.

Javasolt forgalom források:

Content only.

Az ajánlat hírei:

  • 30/08/2024-n 17:14kor Attention! Upwork_US is LIVE AGAIN!

    The offer Upwork_US has been relaunched. 
    New Client Start - 54%
    Existing Client - 3.8%

    GEO - US
    Join and earn! 

  • 09/04/2024-n 12:45kor Upwork_US has been SUSPENDED!

    The offer Upwork_US has been suspedned.
    Please stop the traffic ASAP.

  • 25/12/2023-n 12:05kor Upwork_US SUSPENDED

    The offer Upwork_US has been suspended due to the technical issues on the advertiser's side.
    Please stop the traffic ASAP.
    We will let you know when it can be restored. 

  • 29/08/2022-n 14:56kor Delays in displaying the statistics


    At the moment, we have delays in displaying the statistics due to technical problems.

    Everything will be fixed, and the statistics will be fully loaded in the nearest future.

  • 15/04/2022-n 19:40kor FYI ! New offer from UPWORK_US

    New program UPWORK_US has been launched.

    GEO - US
    REVSHARE for new customer paid subscribton - 56%

    The offer is available on Basic tariff by Individual request. 

    Come and get it! 

Az összes hír