
Ajánlat ID-ja: 12360
Cél Kifizetés Feldolgozás Post-click Elfogadás százaléka
CPA - 3.8 - 179 $
Valuta: USD
ID célok: 18503 (Aktív)
3.8-179 $ maximum 60 days
30 days 100%


All countries, except: Franciaország


Square makes commerce easy for every type of business. Sellers who sign up with Square get a free magstripe reader to swipe credit cards anywhere! Sellers can also take advantage of several other Square services that help businesses save time and run efficiently. With Square, credit card processing is simple - accepting Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express all for one low rate, with no surprise fees. 

Stand First Transaction- $83
Payroll First Payrun- $28.4
Appointments First Transaction-$9
Signup- $3.8
X2 Register First Transaction- $125
Invoices First Payment- $5.3
Payments First Payment- $11.5
T2 Terminal First Transaction- $49
Virtual Terminal First Payment- $21.5
First Chip Reader R12 Transaction- $13
First R41 Reader Transaction- $3.8
Square Online Store First Transaction - $30
POS First Payment- $19.2
Square Online Checkout First Transaction- $3
Square for Restaurants First Transaction- $127
Square for Retail First Transaction- $179

  • 60nap
    feldolgozás időszaka
  • 20 M
    felhasználó havonta
  • 50$
    egy előfizetőre jutó átlagos árbevétel
  • 1,2%
  • Top in the finance segment
  • Popular in North America
  • Best service

Landing oldalak (1):

Mindent mutat

Az ajánlat hírei:

  • 01/08/2022-n 13:43kor NEW GEOS for SQUARE_WW*

    SQUARE_WW ( previously Square_US,CA) is now available WORLDWIDE.
    Join and earn!

  • 22/07/2022-n 14:11kor ATTENTION! SQUARE_CA,US is LIVE again!

    Square_CA,US is available now for promotion.

    Join & earn!

  • 06/08/2020-n 15:30kor Attention! Square Inactive!

    Square has been suspended by the request of the advertiser until further notice. Please, remove all the traffic ASAP.

  • 09/07/2020-n 10:37kor Attention! Square Paused!

    The Square campaign has been suspended untill further notice by the adveriser's request.

    Please, stop all the traffic ASAP!

    Thank you for your understanding!

  • 30/04/2020-n 21:23kor Attention! Square has changed its CPA-policy!

    Dear publishers,

    Bythe request of the advertiser CPA rates for the offer have been changed. Sign-up is no more a commissionable action!

    We will update you, if this changes ASAP.

  • 25/02/2020-n 10:35kor Attention! Point of Sale Product on Square available now!

    Dear publishers,

    The advertiser has added a new product for promotion - Point Of Sale Products (POS). Therefore, new landing and banners are now available - check it out!

    Join and earn!

  • 23/01/2020-n 11:29kor Attention! Temporal CPA increase for Square

    Starting 24/01/2020 and till 29/02/2020 the reward for all the types of actions in Square has been increased by two percent. The basic award (1st payment activation) will be $8 instead of $6.4. Depending on the performance during this period the advertiser may change CPA rates for the better in the future.

    Join and earn more now!

  • 29/03/2019-n 12:04kor Attention! Square is active

    Square is reactivated

  • 27/03/2019-n 11:26kor Attention! Square is stopped

    The campaign Square is paused

  • 12/03/2019-n 17:31kor Attention! Square is launched

    Aim: CPА

    Publisher's reward: $8-160

    Gео: US, CA

Az összes hír