Stitch Fix_US
Ajánlat ID-ja: 14047
Cél Kifizetés Feldolgozás Post-click Elfogadás százaléka
Fix Scheduled: $0-US,UK-≈$5.3 (£3.8); Checkout: $19.2 (US - Only for new customers, Order Total greater than $50); Regular checkout: 3% (only for US) Email Signup: $0.00; Gift Card Purchase: 0%
Valuta: USD
ID célok: 20753 (Aktív)
3-$19.2 % maximum 55 days
7 days 99.85%


Nagy-Britannia, USA


A personal styling service tailored to a person's taste, budget & lifestyle. Fill out a Style Profile, & one of their expert stylists will hand-select apparel/accessory items just for you. Free shipping & returns - Women's, Men's, Plus, Petite & Maternity

Payout Details

1. First Fix Scheduled (Item Category is Mens & Womens): ≈$5.3 (£3.8)
1.1. Customer Status is existing: $0.00
1.2. All Other: 0% of order sale amount
2. Email Sign Up: $0.00
General Terms
Email Signup: User completes the signup form on with valid information.
Item  Category Men: New customer completes their Style Profile, enters credit card information for £10 styling charge, and schedules a Stitch Fix shipment.
Item  Category Women: New customer completes their Style Profile, enters credit card information for £10 styling charge, and schedules a Stitch Fix shipment.
1. Fix Scheduled: $0.00 
2. Email Signup: $0.00
3. Gift Card Purchase: 0%

General Terms
Email Signup: User completes the signup form on with valid information.
StitchFix Order (New Customer): New customer completes their Style Profile, enters credit card information for $20 styling fee, and schedules a Stitch Fix shipment.
Gift Card Purchase: Purchase gift card with valid payment.
Checkout: After a new customer completes a StitchFix Order the Checkout represents the corresponding value of the purchases made on the first Stitch Fix shipment.  Checkout values can take up to 60 days to post after the Stitch Fix Order(New Customer) posts.

  • 45nap
    feldolgozás időszaka
  • 7M
    felhasználó havonta
  • 25$
    egy előfizetőre jutó átlagos árbevétel
  • 1,2%
  • Free Shipping
  • Free Returns and exchanges
  • Gift Cards

Landing oldalak (1):

Mindent mutat

További feltételek:

Content sites ONLY;
Customer Flow:
Email Signup: User completes the signup form on with valid information.

StitchFix Order (New Customer): New customer completes their Style Profile, enters credit card information for $20 styling fee, and schedules a Stitch Fix shipment.

Gift Card Purchase: Purchase gift card with valid payment.

Az ajánlat hírei:

  • 13/05/2024-n 12:32kor Stitch Fix_US HAS BEEN SUSPENDED

    The offer Stitch Fix_US has been suspended due to the advertiser's request. Please stop the traffic ASAP.

  • 23/08/2023-n 10:45kor No UK promotion for StitchFix_US

    UK GEO is no longer available for StitchFix_US.

    Feel free to promote StitchFix for the US. Join and earn!

  • 15/09/2021-n 16:10kor Attention! New terms for 'STITCH FIX_US_UK'program

    Please note that the advertiser added additional CPA aim- 3% for regular checkout (only for the USA).

  • 31/03/2021-n 12:25kor Attention! New program 'Stitch Fix_US_UK' is laucnhed

    Geo: USA, UK

    CPA: 5.3-7.6 $

    The offer is available on basic tariff by individual request.

    Join and earn!

Az összes hír