Matalan UK
Ajánlat ID-ja: 14531
Cél Kifizetés Feldolgozás Post-click Elfogadás százaléka
Online sale
Valuta: GBP
ID célok: 21350 (Aktív)
0.8 % maximum 110 days
30 days 100%




From the day Matalan started back in 1985, to today, over 30 years on, Matalan’s mission has always stayed the same;
to provide outstanding quality and value for modern families. Matalan takes time to listen, understand and evolve to fit changing 
modern family needs, always with an emphasis on providing the highest quality clothing and homeware for the lowest price. 
12 million UK families each year trust Matalan with their family budgets - to provide the range, style, quality and value that 
enable them to run a happy family home. As a leading UK and International omni-channel retailer ranging from womenswear and menswear 
to homeware and furniture; Matalan offers something for all. As of April 2019, Matalan has an impressive 230 UK stores and 
30 International franchise stores within Europe and the Middle East, supported with a rapidly growing online channel.
Matalan’s locations, late night openings, convenient parking, 'everything under one roof' offering and free click and collect service
are just some of the reasons why our customers love shopping at Matalan.
Supporting communities and charities is important to Matalan, with a particular focus on NSPCC and Alder Hey Children’s Hospital Charity. 
As a successful family focused business, Matalan wants to make a difference to people’s lives and give something back, 
raising funds and awareness of the great work these charities do.

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  • 30 days cookie period
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All commissions offered are on UK sales and deliveries only. PPC Activity: KEYWORDS Affiliates are required to refrain from registering or bidding on our brand terms, or misspellings, on all search engine or like services. These terms include, but are not limited to: "Matalan" “” Bidding on generic product related terms is allowed. Affiliates are asked to include brand and misspelling terms as negative keywords in all of their search engine marketing campaigns. This includes but is not limited to: - Matalan DOMAIN RESTRICTIONS Affiliates may not use any domain owned by Matalan for PPC linking without express written permission. This includes but is not limited to Affiliates wishing to promote Matalan through search engine marketing via a landing page should first contact the account management team to discuss this. PPC affiliates applying to the Matalan programme without first discussing their promotion may find that their application is declined. Affiliates are asked not to register domains which are similar or misspellings of the Matalan brand. Any activity of this kind on the campaign will result in commissions being declined. Affiliates may not put the Matalan website into frames or use masked URLs. VOUCHER CODE USE Any promotional and incentive offers, and codes must be authorised through Affiliate Window. Use of unauthorised codes will result in non-payment of commission.