Condor Airlines_DE, IT,
Ajánlat ID-ja: 14587
Cél Kifizetés Feldolgozás Post-click Elfogadás százaléka
Sale - 0.7%
Valuta: EUR
ID célok: 21412 (Aktív)
0.7 % maximum 65 days
30 days 100%


Kanada, Németország, Olaszország, USA


Condor has been flying its guests to the most beautiful holiday destinations in the world since 1956. Every year around 9.4 million passengers fly with Condor from eight German airports to around 90 destinations in Europe, Africa and America. Condor operates a fleet of more than 50 aircraft, which are maintained by the subsidiary Condor Technik GmbH according to the highest safety standards at the Frankfurt and Düsseldorf locations. According to a survey by the German Institute for Service Quality on behalf of the news channel n-tv, Condor has repeatedly been named Germany's most popular holiday airline for many years.

  • 60nap
    feldolgozás időszaka
  • 1.4M
    felhasználó havonta
  • 100€
    egy előfizetőre jutó átlagos árbevétel
  • 1.2%
  • Fly with Condor and experience la dolce vita!
  • Seat reservations - Baggage allowance packages
  • Meals on board

Landing oldalak (3):

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Az ajánlat hírei:

  • 16/07/2024-n 11:30kor Condor Airlines_DE, IT SUSPENDED

    The offer Condor Airlines_DE, IT has been suspended due to the advertiser's request. Please stop the traffic ASAP

  • 28/08/2023-n 14:29kor ATTENTION! Oktoberfest SPECIAL 30$ OFFER for Condor!

    Everyone but you has been to Europe this summer? Fly to Germany for Oktoberfest – that traditionally begins in September. 
    With the voucher code „flytooktoberfest“ you will receive a US$ 30 discount per booking on your round-trip flight from the USA to Europe in all fare classes. Your flight from the United States needs to be a Condor flight with a DE-number to Frankfurt, Germany.

  • 17/05/2023-n 17:42kor CONDOR Campaigns START TRAFFIC

    Some new affiliates have been given access to the offers Condor_WW and Condor Airlines _DE,IT.
    Please feel free to start active traffic.

    PLEASE NOTE: That only quality traffic is accepted. In case of any violations or suspicious activity ( Fraud, Bran-bidding, PPC violations) the advertiser will not pay the revenue 

  • 31/03/2023-n 11:21kor ATTENTION! Nw Offer CONDOR_WW is LIVE!

    The offer  Condor_WW has been launched.

    GEO- WW

    CPS - 1.15%-13.8 EUR

    Work with  Germany's most popular holiday airline and a well-known and award-winning brand.
    The offer is available on Basic tariff by Individual request.

    If you ave been working with Condor Airlines_DE,IT,US,CA  previousy, please apply for the new offer Condor_WW 15421!


  • 17/08/2022-n 01:00kor CondorAirlines DE, IT, US, CA is LIVE again! And with new GEOs!

    CondorAirlines is live again and the campaign has included more geos.
    GEO- DE, IT, US, CA.
    Join and earn!

  • 29/07/2022-n 11:54kor Attention! CondorAirlines_DE,IT SUSPENDED

    CondorAirlines_DE,IT has been suspended by the advertiser's request. Please, stop all the traffic ASAP.

    We are sorry for any inconvenience and will let you know when the offer is live again.

  • 14/03/2022-n 16:24kor Attention! Condor Airlines_DE, IT is live!

    New program Condor Airlines_DE, IT has been launched.

    GEO - DE, IT

    CPS - 0.7%

    The offer is available on Basic tariff by individual request.

    Join & earn!

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