Paid order_UK
New Customer - 2.3%
Student Beans - 1.9%
Existing Customer - 1.5%
ID célok: 21657 (Aktív) |
1.5-2.3 % | maximum |
30 days | 100% |
Paid order_US
Default Payment - 3%
ID célok: 21661 (Aktív) |
3 % | maximum |
30 days | 100% |
Nagy-Britannia, USA
Missy Empire is for the go-getters, the goal setters, the kick ass females who F with convention and create their own kind of pretty. Missy Empire is tomorrow’s fashion today. Inspired by their customer, Missy Empire take influence from celebs with sex appeal, current pop culture and the latest global trends they know you’ll obsess over - with a price point they know you will love.
Landing oldalak (2):
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1. Affiliates are not permitted to bid on any brand terms;
2. Affiliates are not permitted to use PPC (to advertiser's site or to own site). Any affiliate found to be running a PPC who has not had approval from etailPR or directly may have their commission removed;
3. Affiliates cannot use domains owned by as their display URL in any paid search campaign without express written permission;
4. Brand terms may be contained within the subdomain, e.g.:
- – Not allowed
- - Allowed
Az ajánlat hírei:
07/09/2023-n 15:13kor
Attention! 'Missy Empire_UK_US' is suspended
Dear publishers,
Please note that the program is suspended by advertiser's request.