Ajánlat ID-ja: 15733
Cél Kifizetés Feldolgozás Post-click Elfogadás százaléka
Web Registration: Derived Country/Region is France $0.77 per order Derived Country/Region is Germany $1.54 per order Derived Country/Region is United Kingdom $1.15 per order Derived Country/Region is Korea, Republic of $1.06 per order Derived Country/Region is Turkey $0.23 per order Web Sale: Derived Country/Region is United Kingdom 38.46% of order sale amount Derived Country/Region is France, Germany, Turkey 23.08% of order sale amount Derived Country/Region is Korea, Republic of 62.31% of order sale amount Azar Android App : Install: USD0.00 USD Azar Android App : Registration: Derived Country/Region is France $2.69 per order Derived Country/Region is Germany $5.38 per order Derived Country/Region is United Kingdom $3.85 per order Derived Country/Region is Korea, Republic of $4.26 per order Derived Country/Region is Turkey $0.77 per order Azar Android App : Sale: Derived Country/Region is United Kingdom 38.46% of order sale amount Derived Country/Region is Turkey, Germany, France 23.08% of order sale amount Derived Country/Region is Korea, Republic of 62.31% of order sale amount Azar Android App : Video Chat for 10 Minutes: Derived Country/Region is United Kingdom $1.15 per order Derived Country/Region is France $0.77 per order Derived Country/Region is Germany $1.54 per order Derived Country/Region is Turkey $0.23 per order Derived Country/Region is Korea, Republic of $1.27 per order Web Video Chat for 10 minutes: Derived Country/Region is United Kingdom $0.38 per order Derived Country/Region is France $0.23 per order Derived Country/Region is Germany $0.46 per order Derived Country/Region is Turkey $0.08 per order Derived Country/Region is Korea, Republic of $0.42 per order Azar iOS App : Registration: Derived Country/Region is France $2.69 per order Derived Country/Region is Germany $5.38 per order Derived Country/Region is United Kingdom $3.85 per order Derived Country/Region is Korea, Republic of $4.26 per order Derived Country/Region is Turkey $0.77 per order Azar iOS App : Sale: Derived Country/Region is United Kingdom 38.46% of order sale amount Derived Country/Region is France, Germany, Turkey 23.08% of order sale amount Derived Country/Region is Korea, Republic of 62.31% of order sale amount Azar iOS App : Video Chat for 10 Minutes: Derived Country/Region is United Kingdom $1.15 per order Derived Country/Region is France $0.77 per order Derived Country/Region is Germany $1.54 per order Derived Country/Region is Turkey $0.23 per order Derived Country/Region is Korea, Republic of $1.27 per order Limits: condition - 50 $ payout, period - per day
Valuta: USD
ID célok: 22818 (Aktív)
0.08-62.31 % maximum 70 days
1 day 22.42%


Franciaország, Németország, Koreai Köztársaság, Törökország, Nagy-Britannia


Azar is the world’s #1 platform for video chatting and meeting new people online. By directly working with our partners and offering competitive payouts, we want to drive growth for Azar as well as for our partners. Join us today and get started!

  • 70nap
    feldolgozás időszaka
  • 845K
    felhasználó havonta
  • 50$
    egy előfizetőre jutó átlagos árbevétel
  • 1,2%
  • Join us!
  • Meet new people online
  • Easy chat

Landing oldalak (1):

Mindent mutat

További feltételek:

Payout limits - 38 $ per day.
Traffic quality is judged per partner based on D1 and D7 retention rates after registration. NO loyalty programs, cashback, coupons and display advertising, PPC.
Media Partner with loyalty, incentive, coupon and/or discount code websites, the commission will have a designated cap for all products within the program terms.
Media Partner may NOT register or use any domain name URL which includes the word Hyperconnect, HPCNT or Azar in any way.
Media Partner's website may NOT contain software or use technology that attempts to intercept, divert, or redirect Internet traffic to or from any other website, or that potentially enables the diversion of Media Partner commissions from another website. This includes toolbars, browser plugins, extensions, and add-ons.
Media Partner may NOT engage in cookie stuffing or include pop-ups, false or misleading links on your website. In addition, wherever possible, Media Partner may NOT attempt to mask the referring url information (i.e. the page from where the click is originating).
Using redirects to bounce a click off a domain from which the click did not originate in order to give the appearance that it came from that domain is prohibited.
Media Partner may NOT bid on the terms, misspellings, or derivations of the following: Azar, Azar Live, Hyperconnect, Hyper Connect, Azar Lounge, Azar Video Chat, Azar App, Azar Gems
Media Partner may NOT bid on the terms, misspellings, or derivations of the following: Azar, Azar Live, Hyperconnect, Hyper Connect, Azar Lounge, Azar Video Chat, Azar App, Azar Gems
Media Partner may NOT outbid Hyperconnect for the placement of any keywords with the Hyperconnect or Azar trademark or any combinations/misspellings thereof, including broad matches, e.g. “Azar”. List includes but is not limited to the following keywords: Hyperconnect, Azar, “Meet People Like Never Before”, Azar Live, Hyperconnect, Hyper Connect, Azar Lounge, Azar Video Chat, Azar App, Azar Gems
Media Partner may NOT bid on the trademarked word "Azar" or “Hyperconnect” in any manner, singularly or in any conjunction with, other characters or in combination with other words in the search that may result in a broad match of the word "Azar" or "Hyperconnect" singularly. The word "Azar" or "Hyperconnect" is off limits.
Media Partner may NOT use the trademarked word "Azar" or "Hyperconnect" in any Titles, or the display URL of any ads.
Media Partner may NOT directly link from search ads. All paid search ads must link to a Media Partner's Website landing page.
Social Media Policy: Media Partner may NOT post your affiliate links on Hyperconnect’s or Azar’s Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok etc. company pages in an attempt to turn those links into affiliate sales.

Ajánlatokkal kapcsolatos korlátozások:

  • Webmester bevételeinek összege naponta 100 USD (összesen az ajánlattal kapcsolatban)

Az ajánlat hírei:

  • 10/06/2024-n 12:17kor AZAR_TR_UK_FR_DE_KR commission increase!

    AZAR_TR_UK_FR_DE_KR commission increase!

    GEO: UK

    UP TO 38.46%

  • 23/05/2024-n 12:05kor AZAR_TR_UK_FR_DE_KR commission increased!

     AZAR_TR_UK_FR_DE_KR commission increased for geo KR

  • 11/01/2024-n 18:52kor AZAR_TR_UK_FR_DE: geo updates

    Korea is removed from commissinable regions.

  • 29/11/2023-n 20:15kor AZAR_TR_UK_FR_DE_KR: geo updates

    Saudi Arabia is removed from regions to promote.

  • 22/11/2023-n 20:27kor AZAR_TR_SA_UK_FR_DE_KR: changes of the commission structure

    Rate for KR now is 3.08 $

  • 08/11/2023-n 18:18kor AZAR_TR_SA_UK_FR_DE_KR: commission updates

    Increased rate for Rupublic of Korea - 5.4 $

    Join and earn!

  • 07/11/2023-n 13:04kor AZAR_TR_SA_UK_FR_DE_KR: GEO UPDATES

    AZAR_TR_SA_UK_FR_DE_KR (ID: 15733)

    Attention! Republic of Korea is added to GEO to promote.

  • 30/10/2023-n 20:23kor AZAR_TR_SA_UK_FR_DE: GEO UPDATES

    Attention! Republic of Korea is removed from valid GEO.

  • 25/10/2023-n 19:13kor AZAR_TR_SA_UK_FR_DE_KR: changes in GEO

    Azar campaign removed Italy and Spain from countries to be promoted.

  • 14/09/2023-n 11:12kor AZAR_TR_SA_UK_FR_DE_IT_ES_KR: NEW GEO

    Azar_TR_SA_UK_FR_DE_IT_ES_KR has new GEO - Republic of Korea

    Join and earn!

  • 05/09/2023-n 18:47kor NEW GEO for AZAR_TR_SA_UK_FR_DE_IT_ES

    Spain and Italy - new GEO for AZAR_TR_SA_UK_FR_DE_IT_ES

    CPA - Italy, Spain - 1.54 $

    Join and earn!

  • 21/08/2023-n 16:17kor ATTENTION! AZAR_TR_SA_UK_FR_DE IS LIVE!

    New offer AZAR_TR_SA_UK_FR_DE has been launched!


    CPA - 0.77-3.85 $

    The offer is available on Basic tariff by Individual request.


Az összes hír