
Ajánlat ID-ja: 16329
Cél Kifizetés Feldolgozás Post-click Elfogadás százaléka
CPS: 1.15% - Early Stage Customers (2nd-3rd order) and Existing Customer sales 5.38% - New Customer (1st order) sales
Valuta: GBP
ID célok: 23552 (Aktív)
1.15 - 5.38 % maximum 100 days
30 days 97.26%




Zooplus is a leading online pet store in Europe. Our rapidly expanding company offers an extensive product range for animal lovers, including food and accessories for dogs, cats, birds and small pets. We sell all major brands of pet supplies at competitive prices.

  • 100nap
    feldolgozás időszaka
  • 1.2M
    felhasználó havonta
  • 39£
    egy előfizetőre jutó átlagos árbevétel
  • 1.3%
  • Exclusive to zooplus!
  • Top recommendations
  • Welcome to zooplus!

Landing oldalak (1):

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További feltételek:

Zooplus will decline commissions on all orders when an unauthorised promotion code has been used.
Affiliates are obliged to avoid any trademark infringement, especially
when purchasing advertising space from providers such as Google
AdWords, Yahoo, bing etc.

Az ajánlat hírei:

  • 19/03/2024-n 16:15kor ZOOPLUS_UK IS LAUNCHED

    ZOOPLUS_UK is launched!
    GEO - UK
    1.15% - Early Stage Customers (2nd-3rd order) and Existing Customer sales 
    5.38% - New Customer (1st order) sales
    The offer is available on Basic tariff by individual request