Ajánlat ID-ja: 16392
Cél Kifizetés Feldolgozás Post-click Elfogadás százaléka
0.08£ - 11.54£
Valuta: GBP
ID célok: 23633 (Aktív)
0.08 - 11.54 £ maximum 210 days
30 days 100%



Leírás: is an online platform that connects customers with local professionals for a wide variety of services. With over 20,000 projects posted to Bark each day, we connect customers and professionals in almost every service imaginable (over 950+ to be precise), 

We empower professionals across the world to acquire new customers by providing an easy, reliable and cost effective way to promote their quality and trusted services to an audience of engaged and responsive buyers.

  • 120nap
    feldolgozás időszaka
  • 4.4M
    felhasználó havonta
  • 250£
    egy előfizetőre jutó átlagos árbevétel
  • 1.2%
  • wide variety of services
  • empower professionals across the world
  • effective way to promote their quality and trusted services

Landing oldalak (1):

Mindent mutat

Az ajánlat hírei:

  • 04/04/2024-n 11:22kor BARK_UK IS LAUNCHED!

    BARK_UK is launched!
    GEO - UK
    CPS: 0.08£ - 11.54£
    The offer is available on Basic tariff by individual request