Ajánlat ID-ja: 16453
Cél Kifizetés Feldolgozás Post-click Elfogadás százaléka
Commissions for subscriptions: 19.23% commission - all plan purchases Commissions for account top-ups: 7.69% commission - all other sales
Valuta: USD
ID célok: 23712 (Aktív)
7.69-19.23 % maximum 120 days
30 days Nincs adat


All countries, except: Oroszország


SendPulse is an all-in-one automation platform that specializes in email, SMS, and chatbot marketing and offers a complete toolkit for creating landing pages, developing online courses, and keeping track of everything in a free CRM.

  • 120nap
    feldolgozás időszaka
  • 10.3M
    felhasználó havonta
  • 60$
    egy előfizetőre jutó átlagos árbevétel
  • 1.3%
  • Accelerate your sales and grow your business on a single platform
  • Stay in touch with your customers — wherever they are
  • Reinvent your sales and marketing with SendPulse

Landing oldalak (1):

Mindent mutat

További feltételek:

It is forbidden to use spamming techniques to disseminate information about the Service.
It is forbidden to promote the Affiliate's website using email spam or SEO spam. The Affiliate's website must not violate the laws of the state of which the Affiliate is a citizen or resident.
The Affiliate's website must not infringe copyrights, trademarks, patents, or other intellectual property rights. Affiliates must not register domain names containing the word "sendpulse" or its misspellings.
It is forbidden to use SendPulse's content to promote its competitors.
It is forbidden to use this Program to receive a discount on the Affiliate's own bulk campaign.
The affiliate is prohibited from advertising their personal referral link in PPC systems, including but not limited to Google Adwords, and Bing Ads.
It is prohibited to re-register SendPulse's existing clients for the purpose of earning a commission or use referral links to purchase SendPulse's products for your own use.

Az ajánlat hírei:

  • 01/07/2024-n 14:47kor SENDPULSE_WW* IS LAUNCHED!

    SENDPULSE_WW* is launched!
    GEO: WW* (except Russia)
    Commissions for subscriptions: 19.23% commission - all plan purchases 
    Commissions for account top-ups: 7.69% commission - all other sales

    The offer is available on Basic tariff by individual request