The Bouqs US
Ajánlat ID-ja: 11892
Cél Kifizetés Feldolgozás Post-click Elfogadás százaléka
Paid order
Valuta: USD
ID célok: 17791 (Aktív)
7.7 % maximum 55 days
7 days 92.31%




The Bouqs Company is an online flower delivery service that delivers flowers fresh from eco-friendly, sustainable farms around the world to doorsteps nationwide. Headquartered in Venice, CA, The Bouqs Company connects farms and a curated network of artisan florists directly to consumers, and disrupts the traditional supply chain by eliminating overhead costs like warehouses, importers, distributors, auctioneers and more. In turn, this model enables a superior product and redefines the experience and economics for both consumers and producers alike.

7 days cookie

Restricted Keywords:
no TM Bidding, bouq, bouqsthe bouqs, the, thebouqs,, www the bouqs com, www thebouqs com,, the bouqs apologies, the bouqs big moments, the bouqs birthday, the bouqs coupon, the bouqs discount, the bouqs flowers, the bouqs hydrangea, the bouqs lilies,

  • 30nap
    feldolgozás időszaka
  • 700k
    felhasználó havonta
  • 40$
    egy előfizetőre jutó átlagos árbevétel
  • 1.2%
  • Save 20% + Free Delivery
  • Take It Outside
  • Order now

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Az ajánlat dokumentumai:

Az ajánlat hírei:

  • 30/01/2023-n 12:57kor Payments back to schedule, welcome to INCREASE traffic!

    Dear affiliates!
    The following offers have previously faced with some verification delays due to the payments technical issue.
    However last week all the troubling issues were solved and now we are back on track with the payments for the offers.

    That means that you are more than welcome to increase traffic and therefore receive larger revenues for the offers you have been working with.

  • 22/11/2019-n 17:02kor Attention! Black Friday & Cyber Monday Sale's in The Bouqs campaign!

    Attention! New promotion in The Bouqs campaign!

  • 25/06/2018-n 18:03kor Attention! The offer The Bouqs US is launched!

    Attention! The offer The Bouqs US is launched!
    Aim: CPS.
    Publisher's reward: 7.7%
    Join and earn!

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